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Chuuya's POV

It's been a while ever since Dazai left the mafia and nothing has been like how it was before. Me and Akutagawa have been getting all the work and for me if I don't finish the work it will get doubled and I barely get days off and breaks. Days off aren't that good either because I'll be doing the work that's been doubled and I've had multiple breakdowns during these breaks so in short all I have time for is work and cry. Sometimes the work would be so bad and busy I would barley get time to eat so I've been not happy, busy and not eating.

The next day

When I got to work I was told that we would have a meeting with the Armed Detective Agency I was just glad I didn't have to do a lot of work to do. When I was in the meeting room waiting for them I was basically holding in tears due to the fact I was insulted and yelled at for hours for missing one piece of paper work. Sometimes tears would slip out so I've been wiping my eyes a lot and that's when the ADA came in. My eyes widened and I felt like I wanted to cry even more when I saw Dazai enter the room with the rest of his friends. If this couldn't get worse I had to sit next to Mori and Daza. Later in the meeting they started arguing over some missing work between the 2 companies and I started to feel sick. I felt so sick I had to get up and run out of the room making some people confused and Mori was pissed. Once I made it to the bathroom I basically crumbled to the floor completely breaking down. It didn't make it any better I was still sick and I was in the bathroom for a good 10 minutes and I wasn't surprised no one came for me. I slowly got up dried my tears and went back into the meeting room "well look who finally decided to join us, you were probably being dramatic and trying to get out of this so sit down you'll be staying longer and your work is doubled Chuuya" Mori announced to the whole room "say something Chuuya" he hissed waiting to hear an answer from me. "Yes, my apologies boss" I said quietly looking down at the floor then I glanced at Dazai he was unfazed and he didn't care. After the meeting Mori had said the ADA will be working here for a few weeks so that's just great.

The next day (sorry for the time skips)

When I finally got off of work I was so hungry but I only had time for a small snack because it was so late I wouldn't be able to get up if I stayed up any longer. When I got there I was called to Mori's office and I was greeted by him, Dazai and some kid with white hair who I soon found out was named Atsushi. Mori than started to basically try to make me feel bad then told me that I would have to share my apartment with them (Dazai and Atsushi) because I have the biggest room and because we ran out of guest rooms. He then excused me and I left to go to the work left over. Today was one of those good days where I didn't have a lot of work so when I finished I left work early so I could clean up a bit. Then I got a call from Mori "hello do you need something boss?" I said "they are ready for you" Mori said as I heard them complaining about me in the background "yes I'm on my way boss" I sighed hanging up and putting my phone in my pocket. As I made my way to the building they were already waiting for me. "Let's go" I said refusing to look at Dazai as we started walking to the apartment building owned by the Port Mafia. When we arrived Dazai was doing little things to get under my skin like making small remarks about how basic my apartment room looked. I showed them to their room and made my way to my room then I heard my door bust open "Chuuya get up and take us to dinner we you have no food in your fridge" Dazai said pouting "fine where do you wanna go?" I said obviously annoyed. We just ended up going to a random restaurant together while Dazai and Atsushi were talking I got a text from Mori saying to eat as little as possible or not eat at all due to me having a mission and needing to be as functional as possible. "Chuuya-San are you not going to eat anything?" Atsushi asked concerned "I'm not hungry and I have a mission in the morning" I said trying to cover up my lie. Dazai was gave me a cold and worried stare as he was eating but I just ignored it and waited for them to finish. When they finished I took them back to the apartment and due to it being late they were getting ready for bed. Mori then texted me saying he lied about the mission and sent me a bunch of other work to do for the night. By the time I finished that I was really tired and hungry but I just went to bed I guess I'll learn to deal with it.

Word count: 936
Also sorry if this is confusing I just had a little bit of time to write

Soukoku Oneshots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang