4. Fluff+Chuuya's birthday special

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I know it's been awhile but I thought this was good also this is the longest chapter I've ever written :)

Chuuya's birthday special :)

Chuuya's POV

When I was at work I was called into Mori's office. When I made it to his office I heard something I'd never thought I would ever hear in my life. He told me that I would get less work for the week and that I got a day off on Saturday. I was shocked to hear that at first but i thanked him and left his office. I decided to take the break and finish my shift.

Time skip :)

When I made it back to my apartment I took off my hat and flopped on my bed. I fell asleep for god knows how long and I slowly got off my bed and went to my kitchen. As I was cooking food I heard a knock on my door so I turned off the stove (idk what it's called) and opened the door. When I opened it I saw Akutagawa on the other side "hey Chuuya I have a question, can I come in?" Akutagawa said looking slightly suspicious. "Yea sure but why didn't you just text me?" I asked slightly caught off guard because normally he would never really talk to me let alone visit me. "Oh I just wanted to ask you in person" he said laughing slightly "anyways do you want to hang out with me on Saturday?" (I think that's the date his birthday lands on) he asked looking at the floor. "Sure but why come here instead of just texting me?" I asked slightly confused "Like I said I wanted to see you anyways I have to go bye!" He said running out of my apartment now I was fully suspicious of his actions. I decided to shake it off and eat my food.

Time skip (Dazai's POV) (the next morning Friday)

When I got to work I saw Akutagawa standing there with a piece of paper he looked at me silently but then handed me the paper still not saying a word. I took the paper and read it as my eyes grew wide while reading the words 'we would like to invite you and other members of the ADA to a surprise birthday party for Chuuya Nakahara on April 29 at 6:00 -PM' when I looked back up from the paper I saw Akutagawa still standing there. "Why are you inviting me?" I asked due to the fact everyone knew (the PM) that Chuuya was still mad at me. "First of all this is your only chance you will get to see the PM in a peaceful setting and it may be the only time you see him" He said very calm. "What do you mean by this will be the last time I see him?" I asked a little worried "Mori has been giving him a lot of work with little breaks. He only got a day off on Saturday" he said still looking at me. "I'll go then" I said as Akutagawa finally stopped looking at me and left.

I showed the paper to the rest of the ADA and the boss decided to go to the party. I was shocked that he even agreed due to the rivalry between the two companies. I only brought them due to the fact that I'm still trying to get Chuuya's trust back and that I need emotional support. It had been a while since I've talked to or even seen Chuuya so I was kind of excited to go to this party.

Time skip to Saturday :)
Chuuya's POV

When I woke up I had a strange feeling that Akutagawa would even invite me anywhere because I was normally the person to invite him out. But I shrugged that off and just went in with my morning taking a shower and eating breakfast. I was cleaning my dishes and the apartment so it was about 5:30. I suddenly heard my phone so I went to go look and saw that Akutagawa texted me saying he needed me to go to the PM at 6:00 and that it was urgent. 'There goes my day off' I sighed and went to change. I got there I saw everyone in the PM yelling 'happy birthday Chuuya' I was shock mostly due to the fact I forgot about my birthday and also I soon found out Mori and Akutagawa planned this. I thanked them and smiled softly and that's when the party began.

Dazai's POV

I was doing work or more so annoying everyone and it was about 6:30 and that's when I realized the date. "Guys the Port Mafia thing was today!" I yelled everyone looked shocked and confused until I showed them the paper. I knew that Fukuzawa wouldn't miss this chance to tease Mori  and he ended up making everyone go. When we got there it was about 7:00 and everyone looked shocked to see that we came. That's when Kouyou came up to me practically scolding me for being late. When she finished that's when I made my way to go find Chuuya which didn't take long. I found Chuuya holding a small glass of wine and he was talking to Elise he looked so cute, smiling softly while talking to her. I wish he talked to me like that but life can never be that good but I must stay focused. After I saw Elise leave I went up to Chuuya "hello Chuuya" I said from behind him which made him jump a little bit. "What do you want" Chuuya said, all the happiness draining from his face.

Chuuya's POV

I was kinda surprised and annoyed that Dazai came or even the whole ADA for that matter. I was just a little lonely before he came but I would never admit that out loud. Most of the night was filled with Dazai annoying and bothering me. Some people including me and Dazai went to go watch a movie and when I got there I found out that it was just some boring romance movie. When we got our seats I was near the end and Dazai was the only person next to me. When we were about half way through the movie my eyes started to feel heavy and I started to fall asleep.

Dazai's POV

I was peacefully and happily watching the movie due to Chuuya sitting next to me. Then all of a sudden I felt a light weight on my shoulder and that's when I realized Chuuya was asleep. I was screaming internally due to how cute his sleeping face. When the movie ended I told everyone that I would take Chuuya home and that's exactly what I did. When I unlocked the door and stepped inside quietly because he was still asleep and I took him to my room and set him down on my bed. After I set him down he said something that made me feel guilty for leaving "Dazai don't leave me again" Chuuya said still asleep while holding my sleeve. I felt really bad so I decided to wait until Chuuya to wake up so I could finally make things right.

Time skip :)

As I was reading a random book I got off my shelf I started to feel moving from the other side of the bed. That's when I found out Chuuya was awake "good morning chibi" I said putting my book on my nightstand. "Where did you take me!" Chuuya said standing up and now on high alert "ok wait before you go I want to tell you something" I said in a calming voice while holding onto his sleeve. "Ok fine but make it quick" he said sitting back down on the bed "Well first off I wanted to apologize for leaving you" I said closing my eyes, scared of his reaction holding his sleeve tighter. "And I also wanted to say that I want to make things right with you I want to at least be friends with you I just want to be in your life again" I said finally opening my eyes to look at Chuuya's reaction. His reaction was unreadable and I couldn't tell what he was thinking after a few minutes of silence he finally said something or more like whispered something. "I want to be in your life again I never wanted to not see you again" he said holding in his tears looking into my eyes "I just want things to be the same"and before he could say anything else I pulled him into a kiss. As we kissed I felt Chuuya slowly melt into the kiss while the tears fell from his face. I pulled away to wipe his face with my sleeve "wait here Chuuya I have something to give you" I said getting up and going to get his present. When I got back up I saw Chuuya looking at his phone that was on the nightstand but when I closed the door he turned it off and sat back down looking at me while I held the small present behind my back. When I sat down I sat close to Chuuya and gave him a small peck on the lips "here" I said giving him the box while smile softly. While I was watching him open it his eyes lit up when he saw what it was when he slowly pulled it out it was a small box that contained 2 matching rings. "I love them and there's 2 so we match!" Chuuya told me putting it on while giving me a hug and a small kiss on the cheek "well I'm glad you like it Chibi" I said. "well I still have more surprises so get up" I said standing up and waiting for him as he followed me to the kitchen.

Chuuya's POV

When we got into the kitchen I saw balloons, a teddy bear and a cake with the words 'happy birthday' I was surprised that he did this or even came to the birthday party. I was very happy with everything and gave him a hug "Thank you Osamu" I said "now can we eat I haven't eaten anything" Dazai whined. "Alright then" I said chuckling softly while going to get a knife from the knife holder that was on the counter and cut the cake.

After we ate we were watching another movie on the couch we were laying together enjoying each other's time. " l love you chibi" I heard Dazai say while nuzzling his face in my hair "I love you too Dazai" I say turning around giving him a small kiss and just before I fell asleep I heard Dazai say "Happy birthday Chuuya"

Word count: 1825

Hello I've been trying to do better with writing things but Ive been busy but I hope you have a good day/night. Also this is the longest chapter I've ever written and it took me like a week to complete and I hope you liked this special.

Also this is pre written I've waited like 2 weeks to post this

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