9. Fluff

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9. Fluff

Dazai decided to surprise Chuuya with a small puppy and put aside his dislike for dogs just for Chuuya. (They live together and are dating in this)

Dazai's POV.

Today was the day where I was finally going to surprise my lovely chibi with a small dog since he keeps talking about wanting one. So I escaped work to head over to a local animal shelter to pick out a dog that I think Chuuya would like and be happy with. When I got there I was greeted by a bunch of different breeds of dogs so I decided to spend a little bit looking around to see the small selection of small dogs. After a few moments of looking, one specific puppy had caught my eye. The puppy that I saw was a small black pomeranian puppy that was very energetic which reminded me of Chuuya. I decided to take it home with me along with other things for the puppy and now it was time to set up my surprise for Chuuya.

Time skip to when Dazai made it home with the puppy.

Once I made it home I set up everything the dog would need like food, water and a small dog crate and bed. Then after the dog settled in I just had to wait for Chuuya to come home. After a little bit the dog had fallen asleep and I heard a click on the door which means Chuuya was home. I jumped up from my seat and happily opened the door.
"Hello Chibi!" I smile giving Chuuya a hug.
"Hey Dazai" I hear Chuuya mumble while softly hugging me back. After I bit I pulled back and quickly covered Chuuya's eyes.
"Hey what the hell are you doing!?" I hear him shout putting up a fight.
"Calm down chibi I just have a surprise for you" I say calmly as I feel him relax in my touch. With him now calm I reach for a blindfold and wrap it around his eyes.
"Stay right there, I'll be right back with your surprise!" I smile leaving to retrieve the dog gently from the couch. When I made it back Chuuya was still in the same place.
"Such a good dog staying where you are!" I exclaim teasingly.
"Shut up!" Chuuya says loudly and is thankfully still calm.
"Okay Chibi are you ready?" I ask happily petting the dog.
"Yeah I guess knowing you it's probably nothing I should be happy about" Chuuya says, suspicious of my surprise.
"Such a rude chibi" I say with a fake sad tone before speaking once more.
"Uncover your eyes, chibi" I smile watching as Chuuya uncovers his eyes and how they light up with excitement when he sees the dog in my arms.
"Surprise!" I smile while putting the dog in Chuuya's arms.
"Are you serious!? You really got a dog for me!?" Chuuya asks me happily.
"Yep I got it just for you I even got some other things for it too" I smile gently watching Chuuya pet the dog gently with care and love.
"Thank you Dazai, I love you so much!" I hear Chuuya say while smiling brightly.
"You're welcome my love" I smile back watching Chuuya blush slightly but still puts the sleepy dog on the couch and returns his attention to me. I smile while Chuuya hugs me giving me a soft kiss.
"Thank you Dazai, I really mean it..." Chuuya said with a muffled voice since his face was against my chest.
"Anything for you Chuuya" I say with a sweet voice hugging Chuuya back feeling grateful for having him in my life.

Word count: 613

Ive returned☺️ I cant promise any posts coming soon though. The dog also remains nameless lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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