Twenty Five

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Chapter 25

Oh my God! she fainted — no, she nearly fainted.

Angelina's heart nearly burst from her chest, her stomach flipping excitedly as her skin tingled, making her breathing shudder. Her eyes dilated with excitement as her face was flustered, which gave away her shyness. She found it hard to gulp down her nerves and squirmed under his gaze, which looked like a lion ready to prowl its prey.

Why did I have to look back?! she reprimanded herself, trying to calm her nerves.

Nathaniel never wanted her to see him, yet he didn't regret it because her flushed reaction gave him satisfaction, and he got connected to her more. He didn't want to rush her, and she was still getting comfortable with him.

He knew what he wanted and needed. He knew he needed and wanted only for himself. To have her for himself. Only him. The need to possess her ran through his bloodstream like haemoglobin. He would wait for her till she got comfortable, but that didn't mean he would not push her also.

Nathaniel flashed her one of his charming smiles. His eyes darkened with the need to consume her luscious lips flamed in his eyes.

After the tension went off between them, yet still prominent to explore, they bickered up and down, talked about everything they could talk about, yet nothing was being talked about. And the presence of both of them, Angelina's fear, was long forgotten.

The jet landed with the sun at the centre of the sky, shining softly under the cool weather. He helped her stand up from her seat, snaking his arm around her waist to steady her feet though he did not want to lose the opportunity to hold or touch her.

Angelina stood up wobbly. Her legs and butt were numb due to the long seat, and she massaged her legs softly from the paraesthesia (pins and needles) she was feeling before a big hand circled her waist and brought her closer to him.

Angelina's eyes widened; she wasn't complaining, though; she liked the way his hand found hers. She felt protected in his arms or his presence. The way his fingers drummed on her waist as her body danced to the tune and her breath quickened.

"Welcome to the Seychelles Island," A not so stout man greeted, smiling with his long moustache dangling around his round mouth. "I'm Abel," he introduced himself, "The manager—" he stopped when Nathaniel grunted and ignored his stretched hand. The man laughed nervously, feeling embarrassed, before turning his gaze to the woman beside Nathaniel, who held her waist firmly —protectively.

Nathaniel blatantly ignored the man's hand, those leeches, trying to gain approval. He could see the greediness in his eyes. He wasn't here for chitchat but for relaxation with his beautiful Angel, and he smiled. He couldn't wait to get to know his Angel more. There were more stories to what his Angel put on.

If I can't be on his good side, I can be on Madam's side, Abel thought, turning to Angelina with a smile which she humbly returned with a polite, decent smile and then gave Nathaniel a disapproving pointed look.

The poor man was trying to be civilised and professional; how could he shrug the man off just like that? As if he wasn't a human being with emotions running through his body. She scowled and bit her cheek to stop herself from saying anything and moved away from Nathaniel as she quickly followed Abel, who guided them to where the arranged car was parked.

Nathaniel didn't understand why she moved away from him, as if he had burnt her. He tried to hold her wrist but yanked it away and glared hard at him.

So the shy kitten has claws, adorable, beautiful and hot.

Angelina sat farther away from him with her hands in between her knees, staring at the window, ignoring him. He smiled, entered the car and sat closer to her, making sure that there was no space between them. Skin touching skin, body heat mingling each other and sparks flowing through them.

He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it back momentarily, gathering himself, scratching the back of his neck under her intense glare, "Are you mad at me?" he asked slowly. He didn't want any misunderstanding or distance between them, and his friend had advised him earlier that listening and talking were relationship builders. Females were like the weather because their emotions change, like weather, or sorry to say, changes more than the weather.

When there is noticed any slight changes in expression or emotion, try to inquire about it but do not push.

"Nothing," she huffed, fiddling with her fingers. A habit he had noticed in her whenever she was nervous, shy or embarrassed.

"But—" she interrupted him. "It's actually nothing," she felt embarrassed; how would she tell him she got angry because of his attitude toward the man?

"Well —" he urged her softly.

She inhaled before rushing out, "it's not proper etiquette to snub the man who was trying to do his job by introducing himself or getting friendly."

Oh, that was it. His mind clicked at his subtle reaction earlier.

He smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry," he said, apologising for not considering his Angel's views.

She fiddled with her fingers, using her hair as a shield against his stare before licking her lips, "It is actually him that needs the sorry, not me," she whispered softly and courageously took his big hand, holding it with a smile.

"Okay, I will," his response made her smile.

Nathaniel was surprised that his Angel was mad because he ignored the man who he knew that was trying to get to his good grace.

Well, what chances did he have when his Angel wanted him to be friendly? There was no friendliness in the real world because everything was a game, either used or got used, lost or gained, died or alive, asleep or awake. And his Angel was naive to it, and he loved it —the naivety of hers.

The drive from the bustling town to the private reservation was thirty minutes. Abel pulled up at the fancy duplex hotel for the couple.

Abel opened the door for them and took a step back for them to step out. Angelina helped herself down, bowing slightly to him, thanking him for his service before whipping her head around and taking place in.

It felt surreal to her, and she couldn't believe it; just the smell of the sea nearly drove her crazy as she inhaled the scent of the soil, which consisted of nitrogen and oxygen, then exhaled the harmful carbon dioxide in her system out. She gingerly took off her sandals, feeling the rush of exhilaration in her body as the white sandy sand tickled her legs.

Nathaniel could see the eagerness and excitement in Angelina's body and smiled, collecting the keys from Abel, "Thank you," he spoke with less enthusiasm. He never thanks his workers for what? When he paid them to work for him, so why thank them? When the other way around, they were supposed to thank him for giving them work. That was why he chose from the best of the best, but for his Angel, He would say it. For Angelina. Only Angelina could make him do things he never did. Only her.

And the least expected happened, she ran to him and hugged him, which made him stumble and caught himself not to fall, pecking his cheek quickly before running off to the sea.

The big smile that stretched from her lips to her upper cheeks as her eyes twinkled with happiness while her dimples showed prominently worth it. Worth everything in this world, yet nothing in this world could compare to it.

That was all he needed.

And that smile was for him only.

Only his.


Hello Royhans 💕.

Any predictions ^_^

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Royhans 💕

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