How'd this happen?

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Warmth covers my entire body as I bask in the feeling of it. "Are you awake?" the rasp of a voice rolled out in the air. "I feel you blinking against me."

I groaned and pulled away from the sweaty chest my head was resting on. "Somewhat,"

He pushed hair away from my face as he examined me. "Good morning, sunshine." Austin planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Morning," I smiled and leaned into his hand.

"How do you feel?" He asked with his thumb now stroking my cheek.

"I feel okay, why?"

He continues to stroke my cheek while I watch him intently. "I mean about yesterday ."


That totally didn't slip my mind. I'm literally naked under my covers with him. "I'm okay, maybe we need to talk about the PR situation first."

His features changed and his gaze went to my lips. "We can save that for later. I want to talk about what happened with us."

"Austin," I sat up and fixed the cover over my chest and reached for his cheek, "I need you to understand what we did can't happen again."

"Why not. You clearly enjoyed it," he sat up and matched my tone.

I looked down and started playing with my finger nails, "Yes, I did enjoy what we had Austin but you have a life. A better one than I will ever have you have multiple opportunities knocking down your door yet you're wasting it on me."

"Ever think that I don't care about those opportunities? I want you Tara not Olivia that's fake and this," he motions between us, "This is real." He cupped my cheeks again.

"That's not how this works." I pull his hand away from my face, "You have a job to do and being with me is not one of them."

"And being with Olivia is better?" He asked with a hint of hurt behind his voice. "This doesn't last for long, it'll be three months and I'm done and then what?"

"Then you'll find some random model and end up dating her." I said truthfully.

"Why are you doing this to me, right now?" He asked shakily, "Tara, I've liked you since I laid eyes on you and to see that you don't believe me hurts."

He slides out of the bed and pulls his boxers up his waist, "Austin that's not the case!" I reached for his arm but he pulled back, "I'm just a nobody and you're putting your attention into a nobody!"

"You are not a nob—,"

"Yes I am!" I cut him off, "there are thousands of models or actresses out there who want you but me," I shake my head, "I am nobody compared to those girls your manager wants to see you with."

He stands there in silence watching me, pain spreading across his face as I break down the truth. I knew we'd end in an argument, I sensed it from the first day.

"Tara, I don't care about those girls, I care about you. You are the one I care about, not them."

I sighed, "Do the damn PR stunt. We don't matter to the world, it's you and Olivia."

Tears well up in my eyes and I see him fighting the internal battle whether to touch me or don't.

"Tara—," he stops and looks at the ground, "I'll do it if it'll make you happy."

A tear rolls down my cheek. This is not what I wanted, of course I want to be with him. "Austin I'll always be here for you but we just aren't supposed to be together."

"I still keep my promise, no matter the sex or the argument I still want you in my life Tara," he leaned in and wiped the tear away from my cheek.

I took a deep breath, basking in his presence, "I think we need to take a break from each other for a while."

"No—," he stops and takes a deep breath and starts pacing the room, "for how long?"

Another tear fell, "I'm not sure, just for a while." I sniff.

He pauses and soon nods after, "I'll go." He said, grabbing his pants and pulling them up his waist and tossed on his shirt.

He gives me one last look and he walks out of the room and I hear his keys jingle and the door closes.

An ugly sob slips from my mouth and I break down completely not knowing how'd this even happen. I should've known what I was getting myself in.

My mind runs to Ruth and I look for my phone around the room. I spot it lying on the floor hanging out of my shorts pocket.

I run and pick it up and dial her and she answers on the second ring, "Hey babe, I haven't heard from you since the date. How'd it go?"

Another sobbed ripped right through me and I couldn't control the tears that fell out of my eyes.

"Tara, What happened?" Her voice sounded worried, "Tara, answer me right now." She demanded.

I coughed and attempted to clear my throat and control my breathing. "Tara?"

"C-can you come over?" I managed to work out.

"Yes of course, I'm on my way right now."

I hang up and throw my phone at the end of the bed and collect enough composure to throw on a pair of underwear and a big t-shirt with some graphic print on it.

I crawl back into my bed and curl up and wait for Ruth to arrive.

Sooner or later I heard the sound of a voice filling my cheap apartment walls. A knock on my bedroom door is rattled three times.

The door opens and Ruth enters with her purse on her shoulder, stuffed to the max. "Oh sweetheart, what happened?"

"I- He told me he had feelings for me and I shut him down because of his career." I sob and sniffed.

"Gracious," she said. She put her purse on the bed and came around and cuddled me. "What does he do?"

"He's an actor, a big one apparently and he's been asked to do a PR stunt with the female lead." I worked out.

"Oh honey, what do you want to do about it?" She asked, stroking my hair, "He's confessed his feelings for you, I knew he liked you from the start."

"We had sex," I blurted, "After he told me about the situation he confessed about liking me and not wanting to do the stunt."

"Wait, you had sex with him?" She pulled away from me.

"Yes," I wiped my eyes.

She came back closer to me and hugged me, "Well what do you want to do?"

"I told him I needed time," I mumbled in her hair.

"A start in the right direction," she runs her fingers through my mane, "You will come to your senses but for now I brought snacks, although this is not a heartbreak it's better just eating snacks."

I stifle back a laugh and sniff at the same time, a tear rolls down my cold cheek and leaves a warm trail, "Ok,"

She smiles and leans back to grab her purse that's stuffed with snacks, "I have your favorite ice cream along with chips, candy, and a soda. Not to mention I have Sam's card to order us food later."

I smiled for the first time all day, "Thank you so much Rue, I'll never know what I would do without you."

"Of course babe anything for you." She kissed my cheek and handed me my cookie dough ice cream, "I'll go get spoons."

A/N: sorryyyy!!! It'll get better

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