The studio

93 7 0

Austin Butler

"Stop!" Baz yelled through the microphone in the studio with his hands in the air.

I pulled the headphones down and stared at him through the glass dividing us. "What's the problem," I said with aggravation in my tone.

"You're off, you've been like this for a week. If you didn't want to do this movie, why are you wasting my time?" He asked.

I just stood there watching him for a couple seconds not saying a word, "I can't do this with you right now."

I set my headphones and stride for the door, "Austin!" He yelled as I walked through the room heading for the exit.

I physically can't do this today. I push through the doors, a warm breeze hits my face as I walk out into the parking lot. I unlock my vehicle getting into and then pull out my phone, opening Tara and I's messages.

The last one being from our date we had at my place a week ago. I sighed as I typed out the words 'I miss you' in the box, letting it sit there for a minute before I hit the back button and watched the letters disappear.

"She needs time." I mumbled before I cut my phone off and closed my eyes and watched the blackness behind my lids.

I leave next week for Australia and I don't think she's gonna wanna talk by then. I'm going insane. I don't know how long I can keep this up.

My phone dings in the cup holder and I open my eyes to see it's a message from baz.

Baz: Take 10 I'll be waiting. Drive around and clear your mind on whatever it is bothering you.

I took that as my queue to start up my car and drive a short distance. Her job isn't too far from here.

I pull out on the main road and drive the short distance to her job. I've changed vehicles so if she is there she won't know if it was me.

It shouldn't have to be like this, I should just be able to drop by her job and tell her 'hey' or bring her lunch and take her out on her break.

Not driving around just to see if she's there or not, which I'm sure she is.

It's around lunchtime so the traffic is starting to pick up. I get there pretty fast from passing cars like a crazy person.

I parked at a building on the other side of the road so it wouldn't look suspicious, like I was stalking her or something. Which I am, but that's not the point.

To which by surprise as I sat in my car watching her she was exiting the building with her phone to her ear.

I wonder who she's talking to? She has a grin on her face as she makes her way to her car.

God I feel like a creep watching her like this, but I can't help it.

My phone buzzed in the cup holder lighting the screen with a text from Olivia

Olivia: I'm going to sign the paper and I think you should too.

Instantly I'm wanting to throw my phone out the window and never have to see her name come across my screen again. As I know in reality I will need it.

Tara slides into the driver's side and lets out a loud laugh that I'm sure I could have heard if I weren't across the street. Who the hell is she laughing like that with.

My phone rings with an incoming call from Olivia and I instantly hit the ignore button. Tara exits the parking lot and I'm cutting my car back on and following behind her but not to close.

I really shouldn't be doing this but I can't help it.

Olivia calls back and this time I answer, "What?" I said with a growl to my voice.

"Is this bad timing?" she asked.

"Clearly," I said, trying not to fall too much behind her in traffic.

"You need to sign the paper, Austin, it's not that big of a deal!" She yells.

Immediately I hit the end button on my CarPlay and focused on following Tara in traffic.

I'm fucking crazy for this right now, following her is not what I should be doing. I need to allow her time instead of pressuring her but I can't help it.

"Shit!" I yelled getting stopped at a red light as I watched her car descend in the distance. It's no use now I might as well go back to the studio, my times up anyways.

I walked through the studio feeling lighter than I left because I was able to put my eyes on her and see how she was doing, I guess I'm the one that needs to move on.

"Austin!" Baz clapped my back, "are you good now, ready to do another take?"

I nodded and walked back into the booth to do another take.

For the rest of the afternoon I focused on my job for the first time in a week since Tara and I were friends.

I gave the record everything I could until we went to Australia and had to mix it.

Olivia shows up at the studio watching me do different takes over and over until finally we've got enough for the day.

"Hey," Olivia comes up to me and gives me a hug and I hug her back to be polite.

"If it isn't my two favorites together!" Baz joins us and I give him a look and Olivia just stands there.

"I have my paper in my car, it's signed and everything," she says motioning to the door.

"Great!" He smiles and gives her a side hug, "Can you go get it?" he asks and she nods.

"Austin?" He looks in my direction.

I nod, "it's signed and in my glove compartment." I rock back and forth on my feet.

I did what was best for my career. I need to move on and let Tara do her thing as well as I need to do mine.

I walked outside with Olivia and grabbed my packet from my car and headed back into the studio to hand baz the packets.

He claps his hands together and gives us a smile, "This is perfect, thank you both"

"Well, I'm hungry. Would you guys like to get some lunch?" Olivia asked, grabbing her phone, checking the time and slipping it back into her pocket.

"I'm down, I've been here all day and haven't eaten."

"Great, let's go"

"This is perfect. I'll call the paparazzi to your location to get photos of the two of you. This is the start." He patted my back.

A/n: sorryyyy I did not forget about this story I just had no idea where it was going.

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