Chapter 1

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A long long time ago, lived a flower in a field. 

The field was so huge and filled with flowers. Grass and flowers could be seen for several kilometers around.

The air was just so clean you could feel it when breathing it. The atmosphere was so peaceful that you couldn't hear a disturbing noise around. No cars, no people, no noise, just nature. Only nature.

The singing of the birds was one of the very few sounds you could hear along with the breeze going through the grass and the countless flowers. 

In that field, all the flowers were all the same. They were all red marigolds. All except one. It was like a red sea, even if one was different, because all the others would make her invisible. She wasn't red, and she was not the same kind of flower as the others. 

You could only see her if you searched for her or if you adventured yourself in the flower field.

The days there were filled with tranquility apart from the days people came, which was only a  couple of days in the week. Life there was pure relaxation. 

The air was so fresh, the wind so soft and the aura there was so comfortable. All the flowers were happy living there. Well, all the red marigolds were feeling like that and there was indeed one flower who didn't share the same feelings. There was definitely one flower who didn't feel happy with her life there. Sure, she felt contented with the life she had but there was something missing. 

It was the other flower. The one who wasn't the same as the other one. The one who wasn't a red marigold. 

She felt so lonely there because she was the only one of her kind and even more sorrowfull because she was in the very middle of the field surrounded by the other flowers. 

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