Chapter 5

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One fine day, when the sky was clear and the breeze so fresh, twins, a girl and a boy, came playing in that field with their parents and they noticed the flower alone.

However, even if she was, she just looked so gorgeous to them. They were captivated by her as if she had done magic to them.

The flower appeared so amazing that they were attracted.

Meanwhile, the flower who was minding her business came to notice the twins. They were whispering while looking at her. 

She thought they were comparing her with the other flowers and criticising her. Exactly like the other people before them have done and what the people after them will, she thought.

Nevertheless, when she saw they eyes glowing while they were approaching her with their parents, she couldn't help but hope they came to take her. 

She tried to calm her already gradually-speeding heart down and kept telling herself that they definitely didn't come for her, that they were looking at another flower and even if they were, certainely they would take another one. Because I'm not as beautiful as the other ones, because I am simply not beautiful, came to her mind. 

Little by little, they approached her and arrived before her, right in front of her.  While approaching her, the twins couldn't help but grow shy and they ended up hiding behind their parents. 

The flower was so beautiful that the twins couldn't keep eye contact with her or either look at her. 

The parents chuckled at their kids, crouched down and began talking to the flower while her eyes were glowing of excitement. Little by little, hope grew in her heart while the time flew. The conversation went on and she didn't want her hope to be crushed. She didn't want to break, it would be too much for her and she didn't know if she would be able to live on if that would be the case. 

The conversation between the twins' parents and the flower proceeded and laughters and giggles could be heard in the interaction. 

The twins were so curious and jealous, they forgot how shy they were and presented themselves to the flower. 

The flower was surprised. She never had this much attention or when she had it wasn't this kindhearted. 

As they began talking, the twins and the flower quickly got along. It's like they clicked, like they knew each other for a long time or like they found a long lost friend. It was unbelievable and the twins fell all over again with the flower. They were now more determined than ever.

At one point the twins admitted they wanted to take her with them to their house only if she wanted. 

The flower was so surprised that she was voiceless for a few minutes but she could see how sincere the twins were and so she agreed to their proposition.

The twins were so happy they couldn't content their happiness. It was the same for the flower. She felt so overwhelmed that her dream finally came true and so a few tears escaped without her knowing. She had a huge smile on her face while looking at her foster family, until she felt hands on her face wiping something. It was then she realised she had been crying. 

And like that, they took the flower with them and exitedly headed home.

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