Chapter 15

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Needless to say, the following days were hard. They would forget she wasn't here anymore so after waking up, they would run enthusiastically to where she used to be to see the empty spot, therefore only to face the harsh truth. Reality was that she wasn't here and they would miserably continue their way to the next schedule. They would also unconsciously call out for her sometimes when they needed her or just as a reflex and when they didn't hear any answer back they would again be hit by reality like a truck. 

They obviously felt heartbroken. They zoned out often, they weren't as cheerful anymore, they didn't talk much only when needed. It was as if their lives were dried out only to leave their bodies moving unwillingly.

Every night they were reading the letters she left them and hugging it to sleep. It was the only thing that helped them lift up their mood and carry on. They carefully read and inspected each and every words she'd written on the letters, the pieces of advice she gave them. They could feel her inmense love in each and every corner of the letter. 

With time passing, they realised they didn't keep their promises. She had told them to continue living their lives, to not let her passing affect them severely, to keep going for their dreams to be achieved and never give up. They pulled themselves together and decided to no longer fail the flower and fulfill their promises. 

A few days after, their parents called them because they had to talk to them. 

They had a little something for them. 

Remember the thing the flower entrusted the parents.

Well, she gave them her petals for them to put in necklaces to give the twins so they could never forget her. 

The twins were so happy but not surprised. It was like her to do something like that...

They just felt thankful she left something of her for them along with the letters. They cherished them the second they saw the necklaces. They were sure to never take them off and keep her memory alive.

Even if she hadn't left anything, they still had their memories of her. They still had pictures and videos of her. 

Even if she wasn't there physically with them, their bond still existed and she was in their hearts. 

They would still continue to tell their stories and share them with other. They would keep their smiles as she had made them promise and they would forever keep her remembered.


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