Chapter 9

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She just felt happy, they would laugh, cry, shout and share a rollercoaster of emotions together. They had each other's backs, and they could trust each one of them. 

However the flower's days were now numbered, and she could not stay much longer.

She knew she would leave them one day and tried her best to keep on living for them.

Thankfully, it wasn't that hard to live longer because they treated her so right she had a long life. 

From the moment they took her home, she only felt love and care. They had all their attentions to her and the twins weren't the only ones. The parents too cared for the flower.

They made sure she was never sad or if she was they were there for her, right by her side to comfort her and cheer her up. They wanted her to feel she was home, at her home. To also feel warm, welcomed, protected, loved, at her place, and forget her awful memories, her depressing past wether it be the other flowers or the humans she encountered who treated her terribly.

Needless to say, she was precious to them and they were precious to her. 

She knew and she was ready for it but she didn't know if the twins were.

She had grown up with them and them with her. She became of part of their daily lives or should I say she was a part of them and they were a part of her. 

Even while growing up and the twins' school, it had no incidence with their routine. That was how much she was important to them.

Nonetheless, she had to leave. It was natural and inevitable. Mother Nature called for her and she could only comply. 

She lived much and more but now was the time to say goodbye, for their paths to separate, for them to part ways.

That lonely flowerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن