Chapter 2

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I looked up to see my best friend Grace. Her blue eyes were red from crying her mascara smeared at the edges of her eyes.

"Thank goodness you're okay" she gushed.

Now I finally understood who was all around me. It was One Direction! The last thing I remember was me and Grace in line for a signing after a concert. We had traveled all the way from Indiana to attend.

I was the last one in line and then the flashing lights came. A whole stampede of paparazzi came hurdling in. Yelling and snapping shots of the boys. They didn't pay attention to the ordinary girl who they had just ran into.

Grace began to tell me more about what had happened. Apparently when I was hit by them I had fallen on to a nearby tree and I hit my head pretty guess. At least it wasn't a stampede of cows something that was a bit more realistic for me.

After she was done telling her story I finally got the energy to sit up.

I felt the whole room watching me. It made me feel uneasy.

"I'll go pull the car up!" Grace said cheerfully

"Okay" I winced my jaw really hurt.

When she left the room the other four boys left the room. Harry stayed.

He got up from sitting by the table I was on and handed me his hands to help me down. His hands were huge compared to mine and I had pretty long fingers myself. His hands were rough but comforting at the same time.

"You okay" he asked waking me from my deep thought.

"Oh yeah, umm thanks for everything" he looked at me and gave me a side smile. Oh gosh he was gorgeous. I was on the ground now, but our hands were still holding I felt my face heat up.

"Maybe..I could have your number" he whispered giving me a small smile making his dimples show up. How could I say no to a face like that! I shook my head giving him a yes. I bit my lip to keep from smiling real big. He handed my his black IPhone. My hands shook as I put in my number. I handed his phone back and stood there awkwardly. Curse my social awkwardness! He licked his lips slowly.

"Thanks" he winked at me giving me a sly grin. I looked at the ground so he couldn't see my reaction.

"You don't talk much do you?" He asked.

"I guess not" I tried to keep from blushing I had never been much of a talker. I never had anything to say.

He laughed at my reply and lifted my chin up with to fingers so my eyes would meet his. He moved his thumb slowly across my cheek and then just walked away. Leaving my mouth wide open in awe and confusion. I swallowed and took a deep breath, and made my way to meet Grace in the car. What a long day!

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