Chapter 6

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What Harry had done for me was beyond sweet. But the movie was the last thing on my mind. I couldn't stop looking at his full red lips. We were in the back of his car now he had sat the back seats down and gotten us blankets and pillows so we were all cuddled up now watching this movie at least...he was. I turned my body fully towards his trying to get his attention. I didn't want to put the moves on him the last thing I wanted was for him to think I was desperate. I mean I had only known him for a day or two! But I couldn't help myself something drew me to him. As I was in deep thought he turned his body facing me. He put one hand in my hair and the other on my hip. My mouth had to be wide open. I was shocked it was like he could read my mind. His bottom lip went in between his teeth I watched in awe. He smirked. My body moved toward his not by my command. He rolled me underneath him his green eyes piercing into me the whole time. I couldn't stand just looking at his lips. I brought my mouth to his. A large sigh escaped both of his. Harry's tongue asked for entrance to my mouth. I accepted. My hands were in his hair I couldn't help but pull at the curly brown locks. His hands were on either side of my hips under my shirt. He made me feel something I had never felt before. I had to stop him before this got to far it was only our first date. I pulled away and man did it feel horrible. He kissed my neck and rolled off me. I was glad he had stopped. I had never had a boyfriend before so I didn't know what I would do if he didn't stop.

I turned my head toward his and smiled. He pecked my lips and sat up. I watched as he shook his hair out and straightened out his white Tee. He turned toward me and lifted me from the back of the car. Fits of laughter escaped me. This had been a great night.

When we got situated in the front seats of the car Harry turned to me all serious. Was he going to tell me it would never work I was just a fan? Instead he grabbed my hand and asked me a life altering question. "Do you think you could be my girlfriend?" I looked up at him in shock. I screamed "Yes", and gave him a huge kiss on the lips. He smiled really big, but the hint of sadness behind his eyes was undeniable.

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