Chapter 7

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It had been a month since Harry and I started dating. He was truly amazing, the perfect boyfriend. He had never pressured me to do things and when things got to heated he always stopped when I said to stop. Harry and I had hung out everyday for the past three weeks since we started dating. But I had not seen him in a week because of his tour. I was really starting to miss him.

I had been my job at the library all day and I was heading back to my house. I still lived with my parents but they were never home, I have pretty much been living on my own since I was old enough to learn how to use the microwave. My parent both worked for business that had them travel a lot. Which I never really understood why we lived in Indiana. Its small and not business like at all. I would probably move to New York when I made enough money I was so close to being able to be on my own.

I walked in my house and went straight up to my shower the warm water felt good running down my exhausted body. I sighed. I missed Harry so much he wasn't able to text me all day. But it was almost Midnight I would think he would be done by now. Another sigh. I just needed to relax he was fine. He was probably just sleeping or something or at an after party....without me.....with other girls. Errg calm yourself. I stepped out of the shower and grabbed my towel. Tonight was going to be a reading night. As I put on my pajamas I grabbed my book and headed down stairs.

I was on the couch all comfortable and all of sudden there was a loud knock on my door. Flinching I got up and walked toward the door. Peeping through the peephole I saw a mop of brown curly hair. Happiness shot through me. The man I was starting to love was on the other side of my door. Only if I would have known tonight would be the change of everything.

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