Chapter 3

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I trudged outside. The sun was shining . I paused for a moment letting it shine across my face and give me warmth.

"Are you coming!" Why did grace have to be so loud. I smiled at her making my way to the passengers side door of her bright red Mini Cooper that her father had bought her. Probably to buy her love so she wouldn't hate him after the divorce with her mother.

"What a strange day right Ell?" Her straight blonde hair swayed back and forth when she spoke.

"Yeah it was odd..." I didn't tell her that I had given Harry Styles my number just moments before. I knew she would freak. I've only ever had a few flings in my life. I've never been much into dating. All the guys from my school were all the same; dumb, immature, and they only ever liked girls for their looks.

Grace pulled into our hotel.

"Hey I'm gonna go park go ahead up" she said giving me her sweetest smile. She really was a good friend. I nodded getting out of the car and heading up to the hotel room.

**Harrys point of view***

I couldn't stop thinking about her. I had to do something to get her off my mind. I pulled out my phone and looked at her number I promised myself I wouldn't text her until later to night I didn't want to freak her out....but I mean if she gave me her number she obviously wanted to text me right? I took a deep breath and typed in a hey with a smiley face. Send. The image of her dark eyes kept popping into my mind. Something about her made me want to be with her immediately. Seeing her little body sprawled out on the cold table had really scared me. I wanted her to be in my arms, it was an instinct I couldn't explain. I remember watching her face as her friend walked in. Making her realize who she was in the room with. I watched her gentle face seeing if her face would change at all. And it didn't; I was so relieved maybe this girl would be better than any of the other fans I had put the moves on...but I wasn't even going to put her in that category.

Man did I miss her already, what was going on! I had never felt this way before. I craved to run my hands through her long dark curls, and touch every inch of her tan soft skin. Okay get a hold of your self Styles. You don't even know the girl!

I felt a vibration on my leg. It was my phone. I couldn't help but smile when reading the name on the screen.

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