Chapter 8

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I opened the door. Harry stumbled in. Knocking me down as he made his entrance. He cursed and awkwardly tried to help me up.

"I'm so sorry Ell" he looked at me with red eyes.

I was absolutely terrified. "What's wrong with you" I whispered. He was about to reply but before he got the chance her collapsed. I jumped and quickly went to his side. "Harry, Harry"!

What was I suppose to do! I lifted up is head and tried slapping his cheeks a bit. He smelled like alcohol. Great he had been drinking, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that he was doing more than just that. He had a black blazer on with two pockets on the side. There was a tiny bag in his left pocket. My eyes grew wide, I took out the bag and there was a white powdered substance. Crack. Really are you kidding me? Was he trying to get himself killed!? I new Harry was a drinker but I never knew he was into drugs. We had been dating for a month and nothing like this has ever happened until now. I don't understand. I sighed. I would defiantly have to talk with him about this tomorrow. Harry moaned really loud bringing my thoughts back to the present. Glancing over at him I frowned. Slowly I brought his chest up to me and dragged him to the couch. Thank goodness my parents were never home. I struggled getting his long lean body on the couch. After about 20 attempts I got him on there. I looked at my gorgeous boyfriend and winced. It pained me to see him like this. Had the fame brought him to do this. Was it just to much sometimes? Our relationship wasn't exclusive and I'm being serious no one new about it. No fans not even his fellow band mates. Would I be pressured into doing these things when everyone found out? I knelt beside Harry and kissed his lips and covered him up. Then I made my way to the love seat. There was no way I was sleeping tonight.


Harry's POV

All I heard was screaming when I got on stage all it ever was, was screaming. I winced the headaches were getting worse. About 3 hours later our concert was over. Man did I need a drink. Niall, Zayn, Liam, Louis and I were all in our bus heading back to our hotel. I asked if any of them wanted to go to a bar with me. They were all to tired. When we got to our hotel I headed off by myself.

I rolled in to a sketchy little club. As I walked in the smells of strange things immediately hit my nostrils. All the women in the club started making their way towards me. They kept complimenting me on my music and my looks. I really wasn't interested. I didn't even have enough courtesy to be polite tonight. I walked away making my over to the bar.

Who knew how long I had been there all I knew is that I was beyond drunk. I was minding my own business when a couple girls came up to me. And man were they scary. But hey I was drunk I was in a talkative mood. So we got talking and one of them offered me cocaine. At first I said no. But the kept telling me how good it would make me feel so I decided to give it a try and man were they right. An hour later I woke up on one of the couches in the club. I felt amazing. I took out a small bag in my pocket more cocaine. I needed another hit my headache was starting to come back and so was the anger. Before taking another hit I looked at my phone. I had totally forgotten to text Ell today. Shit. A brilliant idea popped in my mind I'd just drive over to her house and surprise her she would love it! I mean I was just an hour or so away from her house. Taking one last hit I exited the club and started making my way to Ells. Then everything went black.


ATTENTION, sorry if its a slow start. But I promise it's about to get more interesting. Wink wink nod nod((;

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