1: The Calm

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Nyx groaned as she was jolted awake from her slumber by her blaring alarm. She swung her arm and slapped the snooze button as she made a frustrated face. Nyx then brought that same hand up to her face and rubbed her left eye with her closed fist. Her arm fell down to her side again as she stared at the ceiling, she contemplated if she really needed an education. Her mind drifted to her two best and only real friends, Alex and Nathan. Those two made school bearable, she wasn't exactly... popular at her school. She was considered the black sheep, so for the most part she was ignored at school. Sometimes people would give her a hard time and ridicule her, especially this one girl, Alana. After a few more minutes of contemplation, she decided she should probably just go to school so her grades didn't suffer. She also didn't want to receive a string of texts from Alex and Nate, saying how horrid she was for leaving them alone in hell.

Nyx lifted herself from her comfy bed and stumbled to the bathroom across the hall from her room. She flicked on the light and looked in the mirror, her raven black hair was frizzy and knotted slightly. She made a face of disgust before she turned around and turned on the shower. As it ran and the water adjusted, she got towels from the cabinet in the hall outside the bathroom. Thankfully, Nyx's mom was usually gone for work by the time she woke up so she never had to worry about making noise. After her shower, she walked into her room with the towel wrapped around her and picked out her clothes for the day. After she returned to the bathroom and changed into her clothes, she blow dried her hair and applied her subtle but dark makeup style. She smiled slightly at herself in the mirror, it really made her sapphire eyes pop.

Nyx went downstairs and started brewing coffee before she felt a buzz on her hip. She pulled out her cellphone as she leaned against the counter next to the coffee maker. She smiled slightly when she saw a text message from Nate.

6:46 am: Hey, you're coming to school today, right?

6:47 am: Yeah of course I am. Can't leave you and Alex to fend for yourselves :)

6:47 am: Good! It always feels weird when you aren't at school

Nyx smiled again, she would never admit this, but Nyx had a small crush on Nate. He was so kind and caring, he was handsome and strong too. She couldn't imagine he felt the same way though, so she never mentioned anything to him, or anyone else for that matter. The coffee maker beeped and jolted her out of her head. She pulled her portable thermos out of the cupboard and poured coffee into it. She added her favorite caramel creamer and stirred it with a chopstick. She exited her house after locking her door and walked to her car. A jet black 2014 Chevy Impala. It had stickers on the trunk, mostly spiritual symbols and images from her favorite anime. She stuck her key into the ignition and twisted, she sighed in relief as the engine roared to life. She had been having some car troubles recently and was afraid her car wouldn't start. Gentle air began flowing through the vents and calming her. Her eyes drifted to the clock and noticed that she would be late if she didn't get going.

After a short ten minute drive to her high school, she parked in her reserved spot and sat there for a moment. She saw all the young freshmen running inside to make it to their classes on time. She laughed silently to herself when she remembered herself acting exactly like that when she was a freshman. She is a senior now, an 18 year old senior, and it made her a little wistful. She gathered her strength and gathered her things before getting out of her car. She locked it with a press of her key dongle as she walked away from her car. Nyx kept her head down as she walked through the hall towards her locker. She didn't want anyone to gain an opportunity to ridicule her. She finally reached her locker and turned the dial to enter the combination to open it. After she had shoved her bag into it, she felt someone tap her left shoulder and she turned her head to look. She smiled faintly when she didn't see anyone, already knowing who was playing a trick on her.

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