73: Dead Men Rise Up Never

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^^**Danny concept art included**^^

"It'll be the last thing you ever do." Kyle said confidently before he leaped forward to slash at Z. He countered by bringing up his blade to block Kyle's swipe. Z's eyes widened slightly when his blade went straight through Kyle's knife. The speed that Z brought his blade up, only to be met by no resistance, caused him to lose balance slightly. Kyle's clone faded away into pink energy as Z felt a hostile presence behind him. He looked over his shoulder and saw Kyle going for a harsh slash across his chest. Z stepped back sloppily from being off balance and Kyle's blade didn't cut him as deep as he wanted, but it still cut him. Z grunted in pain and stepped back a few steps before he brought his hand up to his wound. He then took his hand away from the gash and looked at his bloody fingers before flicking his hand, the excess blood was flung off his fingers and onto the ground. "Hmm, I'm impressed, I haven't bled in a long time."

Kyle smirked as he looked over his blade that was held in front of his face in a ready position. "People are usually impressed by me, so I get it." Z narrowed his eyes slightly, he didn't have a lot of patience for an arrogant Gifted.

Back on the ground, Nate and the rest of his friends ran outside towards the second building. Soul sped towards it quickly so she could create a shadow platform to get them to the roof as fast as possible to help Kyle. As they were running across the open area, Nate heard Danny's footsteps behind him slow to a stop. He stopped running as well and looked behind him, he saw Danny standing still and looking to his right. Nate could just barely see his eyes because of Danny's mask and the angle of his head, but he could still tell that Danny's eyes were wide, frantic, and staring a thousand mile stare. "Danny?" Nate said as he approached him while the rest of his friends continued running to help Kyle. When Nate got closer, he swore he heard Danny say something but he couldn't make out what it was. "What?" He asked as he finally reached him.

"Nate....look..." Danny whispered under his breath, almost like he physically couldn't speak any louder. He didn't take his eyes off of...whatever he was looking at. Nate moved his head to follow Danny's gaze before his own eyes snapped open wider. Every nerve in his body felt like it was being set on fire.

There were craters, large and deep craters off to their right. A few of them had bodies at the center of them. There were also a large amount of craters that were smaller and more shallow. Nate's hands began trembling, there was only one person who could've left this kind of destruction. "No..." He whispered in disbelief. "No it...can't be...it literally can't be." He said a bit louder with a shaking voice.

"I... suppose there's a chance Damien did this too...right?" Danny whispered in response, his own violent disbelief bleeding through his words. Nate couldn't bring himself to answer him, but he did try to consider the possibility. His lip started quivering when the overwhelming hope was replaced by overwhelming doubt. There's no way....

"Hey!" Soul shouted at them and both Nate and Danny were snapped out of their shock and they looked over. She was standing at the base of the building with a platform of shadow, Rhys and Orion were standing on it, waiting. Nate and Danny exchanged a look before they ran over to join their friends. They all piled onto the platform of shadow and Soul lifted it quickly, fast enough that once it reached the roof, the group was launched into the air. They all had their weapons or Gifts activated as they fell through the air. Orion sent a dragon towards Z as he fell through the air, the dragon quickly closed the distance and clamped its jaws down onto his shoulder. Z grunted in pain before he brought up his blade and tried to swipe it to sever the connection. Orion saw this and reacted in a split second, he snapped his fingers and the dragon faded to pale blue and became ghostly. The blade went straight through the dragon, this caused the dragon of phase through Z's shoulder as well. The dragon circled around him again before returning to its corporeal form to take another bite. Z dropped his blade and quickly pulled out a handgun. When he raised his gun, he just barely had enough space to shove the barrel into the dragons mouth.

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