110: Fuel to the Fire

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***^^^Nate concept art included^^^***

The next morning, Danny woke up and stared at his ceiling for a few minutes. The invasive thought from the previous night was still whispering in the back of his mind, even though he knew it was ridiculous. Of course he could trust Nyx, he trusted her with his life. Finding out that Damien and Kyle slept together was clearly beginning to skew his thoughts. Especially considering that Nyx was actually trying to justify why he would do that.

Danny didn't get much more thinking time before he heard his phone buzzing on his nightstand. He reached over and grabbed the phone before answering the call from Nyx. "Hello?"

"Danny, we need you in the conference room, something... actually kind of awesome is happening." Nyx sounded like she was smiling on the other end.

After Danny had gotten dressed and made his way to the conference room, he saw all of his friends, and Damien, which made his blood boil all over again. Nyx's voice brought his attention away from the glare he was giving Damien, "Danny! Okay, so now that everyone is here I can show you all. Check this shit out!" Nyx said excitedly as she pointed a remote at the TV on the wall. Danny looked confused as everyone turned their attention to the TV as it flicked to life. It showed the news, with a female reporter on screen.

"Today we have a rather unexpected gathering happening in the streets today. A strike has supposedly begun outside the police headquarters, a strike...for the rights of Odd One's." A look of shock spread across everyone's face while Nyx's smile only grew wider. They could see in the background a gathering of civilians forming a picket line with signs of various messages that all essentially said the same thing: Rights for The Gifted.

"No way..." Nate said in disbelief as the news reporter walked up to a man that he recognized, it was a civilian that was at the festival on Halloween night. More specifically, it was the man who defended Orion from Elizabeth's incoming wrath.

"Sir, why do you believe that Odd One's should be given equal rights?" The reporter asked him before holding her handheld microphone up so he could speak.

"First of all, I don't think they're Odd at all, they're Gifted, and there was a bunch that risked their lives to save civilian lives during the Halloween massacre! I remember this one boy specifically, he had these insane dragon-looking things that came from his body. He almost died to protect us and this other girl with purple glowy powers, but they were kidnapped by this crazy shadow weaving guy!" Damien sighed as he felt more guilt swell in his belly as the interview continued on screen. "Then these other people showed up and this girl with water powers managed to heal the dragon guy and bring him back to life! It was truly incredible to watch. They didn't try to hurt us at all, they protected us!" The civilian said with slight anger in his tone, likely angry that these Gifted people were still being hunted.

"I see, but what about the massacre caused by the Odd One, Azriel Enoch?" The reporter asked quickly. Before the man could answer, a woman approached them both and everyone recognized her, the mother from the family they had saved in the raging streets of the city.

"My family and I were saved by a group of Gifted that day. We were going to be killed by some of those controlled people but a group of very kind Gifted people saved me, my husband and my children! They even brought us to an empty convenience store and made sure we were safe before going back out to save more people! Just because some Gifted are evil, doesn't mean they all are. I truly believe that those people are capable of doing amazing things." The woman said confidently and everyone watching exchanged a happy look, a small beacon of hope filling them. Hope that this could spark a better life for them.

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