111: Old Cages, Old Tricks, and Old Flames

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***^^^Veronica concept art included^^^***

Elizabeth was writing up reports when she heard the knock on her office door, "Enter." She said loudly enough for her guest to hear. Her office door opened as she looked up to see who it was, "Hello, Nyx...and Nate..." Her tone shifted to confusion upon seeing his eyes. "Why is your Gift active?" She asked him.

Nate and Nyx exchanged a look before Nate looked back at Elizabeth. "I have something you'll like to see." Nate then turned his head towards the door. "You can come in now." He said before he and Nyx stepped aside and allowed Elise to step into the room. Elizabeth's eyes widened slightly as she stood up. "You might want to make up one of the holding cells." Nate added playfully.

Nate finally released his Gift once Elise was safely secured in the holding cells, to give himself a break. Elizabeth claimed she had other important duties to attend to, so she tasked Nate to lead the interrogation. Elise shook her head as she was bound in the chair with the Gift inhibiting collar so she couldn't just warp away. She then looked up at the couple in front of her with an angry glare. "Not so tough now, are you." Nyx mused with a smirk as she stepped forward and leaned down to be at eye level with Elise. "You might as well just tell us where your little headquarters is, because you're going to eventually...and I'd rather not have to call in Damien." Nyx said coldly as she leaned closer to Elise, who was staring back with an equally cold glare. This woman hadn't spoken a word since they met, Nyx wondered if she even could speak.

"Let me, Hermosa." Nate mused as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Nyx shot another look at Elise before moving out of the way for Nate to take her place. He quickly leaned down and gripped Elise's chin again to force her to look into his eyes as he activated his ability. Once she was under his control again, he stood up straight and wiped his hand on his shirt, causing Nyx to snicker. "Now then, I already know you're one of the leaders of Cosmos. So, tell me where your headquarters is." He ordered sternly as he slid his hands into his pockets. He heard Elise clear her throat, like she actually hadn't spoken in a long time.

"The top three floors of the tallest building in the center of the city. The entire top floor is strictly for the leaders only." Elise said evenly before she stared back with a blank stare. Nate and Nyx exchanged a pleased look before Nate turned back to Elise. "How did you know where this place is?" He asked her.

"I placed a small tracking device on you during our scuffle in the alley next to City Hall." Elise replied quickly and Nate's eyes went wide, Nyx's did as well when worry filled their systems. Nate leaned down close to Elise and his eyes glowed brighter.

"Do the other leaders also know where this place is?" Nate asked sternly.

"Yes." Elise replied evenly, causing Nate to stand up straight with a worried look in his eyes as he immediately released his ability. "Shit!" He said sternly before he and Nyx turned and left the room while Elise was recovering from the mind control, they made sure to lock the cell up tightly.

"Nate, what do we do?" Nyx asked urgently as they walked quickly down the hall.

"Well, if they've been tracking me, then we can easily just lead them away from Sanctuary. Fuck, we haven't even gotten the chance to figure out Altair's arsenal!" Nate sounded worried, which made Nyx slightly worried.

"Nate, calm down. There's a chance he wouldn't even show up here, I'm sure he knows that we're among some of the strongest Gifted in a long time. We took down Azriel, besides, he probably still wants to try and induct us, rather than kill us. We just have to lead them away from here and keep our people safe." Nyx said calmly as they approached the main entrance of Sanctuary.

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