114: Eclipse

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^^^***Damien concept art included***^^^

"Allow us to show you who we really are." Kyle said through his manic grin as he glared at Elise. She adjusted her grip on the blade that she held in her dominant hand before she took off towards the left of them. She got close to Nate before lifting her arm and trying to slash at him. He quickly brought up his knife and blocked the slash with a loud clang sounding through the forest. Elise tried to send her other knife into Nate's abdomen but had to abandon that plan to avoid a harsh kick from Kyle. Nate took that chance and dashed forward, with Kyle right next to him. When they got close, Kyle tried to send a roundhouse into the side of Elise's head. She ducked under his foot before she quickly reached up and grabbed his ankle as it was above her head. She pivoted her body and Kyle was immediately thrown off balance and was thrown to the ground. Kyle rolled a few times before coming to a stop on his backside, he tensed when a thin knife stuck into the ground right between his legs.

"Woah..." He breathed out in relief that his groin was still intact before looking up at Elise and Nate. She was turning around to face Nate again while Nate was running towards her. A few more clangs sounded through the woods while Kyle got to his feet. He watched Nate parry a few of Elise's attacks, while Elise parried his counter attacks. Elise then jerked her arm forward and flicked her wrist the moment Nate's blade collided with hers, Nate's knife flew from his grip and stabbed into the dirt a few feet away from them. Kyle dashed forward as Elise tried to slash Nate's throat, but he had raised his arm to try and block the slash, causing Elise to slash his arm instead. Nate yelled out through gritted teeth just as Kyle got to them, he spun his body and landed the front of his leg on Elise's abdomen. She was sent backwards before she opened a wormhole behind her and she fell into it. In another moment, Veronica shot up through the wormhole that Elise had left behind.

"Hi boys." Veronica purred as she aimed a finger gun at them both, with violet light charging at the tip of her fingers.

"Scatter!" Nate shouted before he and Kyle took off in separate directions. Veronica's beam of light shot from her fingers, but missed hitting either of them. The wormholes closed before Veronica landed on her feet where it once stood.

"You know, I wasn't on board with recruiting Infinity from the very beginning...but Altair is the big brother, so I had to kinda go along with it. He's only the oldest by, like, three minutes." Veronica pouted slightly as she crossed her arms. Nate and Kyle exchanged a slightly confused look before Veronica continued speaking. "Although, once I heard you were dating her...I really threw that plan out the window." Veronica said as she looked at Nate, who tensed again at her words as he clutched his bloody arm. "Now, I just wanna kill her."

"Well, there's no way in hell that's gunna happen, so you might as well just fuck off now." Kyle said angrily before his eyes flicked to Nate for a moment. His face looked confident and calm, but Kyle could see the subtle fear in his eyes.

Veronica giggled darkly, "Please, this is only ending when someone dies." Veronica taunted manically before dashing forward again, charging more light as she got closer. She lifted her hand and aimed directly inbetween them both, forcing them to dash off in separate directions. Kyle stopped in his tracks when he saw something unsettling. Veronica shot another beam in Nate's path, causing him to instinctively stop in his tracks. Nate grunted when Vi heel kicked him and he stumbled backwards until he hit a thick oak tree. Kyle's breath hitched before his eyes drifted down to Nate's long hunting knife still stuck in the ground to his left. Kyle made a split second decision and dashed forward while Nyx struggled to get to her feet, fear plastered on her face.

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