#2 Your trying out for cheer!?

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It's the next day, my nerves have calmed down enough to go back to school, my brothers have always been there for me when it comes to my anxiety, especially Matt, he knows what its like. He knows how scary it can be going into school.

Time skip:

As I walk up to Maggie's locker, she's already talking to someone. "hmm" i think to myself, i ended up just brushing it off, I waited for the other girl to leave, then I walked up to her "Hey mags!" i say "OMG RY, where the actual flying fuck were you yesterday" she says kinda worried, "anxiety attack" i say softly "Oh Ry, i'm so sorry." she replys "it's okay, Matt came and picked me up, and I got to calm down, ready for today!" "well that's great because I have to tell you something" she says "shoot!" i say excited, "I'm trying out for cheer!" she says all happy. I just stood there with a shocked face for about 3 seconds before responding "Thats really cool mags, i'm happy for you" i say giving her a reassuring smile, only i couldn't help but think that just yesterday she couldn't even stand the thought of putting on one of those glittery uniforms. Me and Maggie went our separate ways considering we had only one class together, Art, but that was at the end of the day. 

Time skip:

I started to make my way  to Spanish, my personal favorite class. As I walk into Spanish class, I only see 2 seats left, so I took the one next to this girl. Class started and our teacher wanted us to introduce ourselves to our neighbors, I then turned to the girl next to me and said hi "hi, my names Rylee, i guess were going to be project partners" i say laughing, "Hey! I'm Emma, and yea I guess so" she says laughing. Me and Emma spent the whole class talking and laughing, I honestly don't know how the teacher didn't get onto us for being to loud.

Time skip:

It's now time for lunch, after I got my food and walked into the cafeteria, but I couldn't find Maggie anywhere. After awhile of looking around, I found her, but she was sitting with the cheer girls. "but we always sit together" i thought to myself, "that's okay, she can have other friends, its not like i'm the only person she can be friends with" i told myself. I felt a small tap on my shoulder, It was Emma, "oh hey Emma!" i said happy to see her. "hey Rylee, I was just wondering if you wanted to come sit over here with me and my friends" she asked. "really?" I say "duhh I told them about you and they want to meet you, so nows the perfect time!" "okay! I'm down!" i say. As im walking over to the lunch table, I see her group of friends, and im amazed, "they look so happy and fun" I say to Emma " oh don't worry they are!" she says laughing. "This is Rylee, everyone say hi" "hi Rylee!" they all said "hi" i say. "go on you guys, introduce yourselfs." she tells them. "hi im jake" one boy says "im daisy" one girl says "im Owen" this other boy says "And I'm Lisa!" the last person says. "nice to meet you all, i'm Rylee" "we know" jake says "Yea Emma would not stop talking about how she thinks you would be a great addition to our group" daisy says "is that so?" i say laughing. For the rest of the lunch period, I sat with them, we laughed, talked about our lifes. "i think this is the most i have laughed in forever!" i say "well i mean your already kinda the best person I know" owen says laughing "Owens my brothers middle name, so I know i'll never ever forget your name" i say laughing.

Time skip:

School has ended and its finally time for pick up. At this point I dont really wanna talk to Maggie, she basically ditched me multiple times for those stuck up cheer girls. so instead, I met up with my new friends "hey guys, I say walking up to them. "hey Ray!" Owen says "Ray?" I ask him. "idk, i just really like that name for you" he laughs "okay, then I love it too!" i say laughing. "oh my fucking god!" Daisy says "whats wrong" i ask "my parents aren't gonna be able to pick me up till later" she says frustrated. "oh well my brothers can pick you up when they come get me, you could probably come back to my house, and we could something fun!" i say "really?" she says "duhh, aren't we like best friends now?" i say sarcastically laughing "DUHH" she says, "let me just let my parents know real quick!" "okay!"

Time skip:

"my brothers are here!" I say "your brothers are triplets?" she asks "yup, come on!" after we say bye to the others i open the door and greet my brothers "whats up bitches" i say to them "Lee one of these days i'm just gonna beat you up, no reason, just for fun" chris says "whatever" i say rolling my eyes. "this is my new friend Daisy!" i say introducing them "hi Daisy" they all say in unison, "yea I'm totally not going to get used to that" she says laughing. "i'm Nick" nick says "i'm Matt" he says "and i'm Chris" he says, "nice to meet you all" she says. I told mom shes coming back to the house with me, were just gonna chill and watch some movies" I told Matt "okay" he responds.

A/N HEY YALLLL how are we liking it so far!?!? im hoping its good bcs honestly i never really do this, please put your inputs on the story!

Rylee sturniolo: sturniolos sisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora