#28 room picking

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(Beacuse I don't feel like writing about them in the car, just know they are already at the rental house 😎)

We arrived at the house and now it's time to pick our rooms

Everyone ran off to pick their rooms while me, dad, and nate brought in the rest of the bags and stuff !

"Thanks for helping kiddos" says dad

"Anytime dad" we both say

Nate was like a second brother to me because he was ALWAYS over, and I mean always,

Me and nate walk in with our luggage, we sat the others luggage at the front of the house so they can come get it once they went up and chose their rooms

"rylee you and nate get the 2 rooms on the top floor" says mom

"Alrighty" we both say

We take our luggage up to our rooms and the house us silent

Everyone is in their rooms Watching tiktok, and doing stuff that we do when we're bored I guess

just then as I was scrolling on my fyp I see and edit

Of me !


Nate ?

Nate is only a year older than me, i did go through a faze of liking him for about 3 months before I got out of that

I don't think I could look at him the same way to be honest, I've always seen Nate as a brother.

I liked the edit because of the caption

"I need a friendship like theirs"

I left a comment after liking

"Nate and I are like siblings !"

Just then chris bursted into my room

"Come on Lee we gotta film for a Wednesday video" he says

"Alright what are we filming" I ask

"Were probably just going to drive around and do some fun shit, there's a fair going on tonight down at town Square, we might go" he says

"Okay that's fine with me, where's the camera" I ask

"Oh let me go get it real quickly" he says

He runs back into the room with the camera while explaining what were going to be doing today

"Hey guys, I'm here with rylee. Obviously" he says throwing his arm around my shoulder

"Hey" I say smiling

"So we might be going to the game tonight, maybe going to eat some where, I don't really fucking know, but we're gonna do it !" He says

"Who alls coming" I ask

"Everyone but mom and dad" he says

"I'm still surprised we all fit in one car" I say

"I know right" he says before continuing

"So we're about to get ready, and then we will be going out, matt, nick or rylee will most likely be one of the next people you see staring into your eyes in this very next moment" he says before i cut him off

"Okay that's creepy" I say before both of us start laughing

"Anyways yea, we're gonna get ready, and then we shall see you guys after !"

A/n okay so the next chapter is gonna be about their day out and about, also my wattpad is glitching and it won't let me see how many words I used in this chapter sadly, ANYWAYS I love you all so much, thank you for all the love and support throughout my journey !!

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