#37 moving

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It's been about another week, I'm pretty much getting back into groove of things ever since my "anxiety slump"


"OKAY HOLD ON" I yell back

I walked to chris' room to see what he wanted

Little did I know I was in for a Rollercoaster, and no, not one of those fun ones, where you think that your just having fun, one of those Rollercoasters that you think your gonna puke on if it goes for one more loop

He started whining like a little baby that doesn't get what he wants

"You took the last pepsi" he whines

"Really christopher, you called, from my comfortable room, all the way down 2 flights of stairs just to tell me that" I say

"Ya, obviously, how else would I have told you" he says in a duh tone

"Oh my god- whatever, I'll get you some more later today" I say

"YAY" he says before basically jumping on top of me

I roll my eyes clearly annoyed with chris because he disturbed me for no reason

"Chris get off of me" I said laughing as I try to push him off of me

"Neverrrrr" says chri

"Hey guys have either of you started packing for- what the fuck?" Says nick

"Nick get our monkey of a brother off of me" I say

"This seems like a you issue babes" says nick

"NICKKKKKK" chris says getting up off of me and hugging nick

"And to answer your question, yes, I have started packing" I say as I'm standing up from where chris pinned me down earlier

"Alright, chris get off" nick says as he leaves the room with chris still attached to his hip

I then get a message

hey love :)

My sister:
hey mads

I'm so excited for you guys to move in over here

My sister:
Same, I can't wait to see you


I put my phone away and decided to finish packing for the day until I eventually went to bed

Hey guys, so clearly this is like the shortest chapter jve ever written, but I've got more coming, don't worry, I love you all so much 💙

380 words

Rylee sturniolo: sturniolos sisterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ