#29 a job ?

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It's about a day or 2 into the trip, and I was recently thinking (3 a.m) last night, I couldn't sleep, I was thinking of going to Matt's room, but I also didn't want to bother him either

But I was up all of last night, thoughts running through my mind.

what am I gonna do for my job ?

Will I be able to do my dream job ?

Will I get hate ?

What if my brothers don't want me to ?

Well I'm sure by now you can guess the job I want to do

I want to be a youtuber, me owen, and daisy talked about it a couple weeks ago, and they both said that when their on camera they feel like their true selves

And i couldn't agree more

Some people on the triplets instagram think that I appear in their videos for fame, or clout, or "my cut of the check"

Which to me is the dumbest shit ever, their my brothers, not my money makers.

People don't understand the impact that they have made on my life

In good ways

And in bad

Ofc I'm gonna get hate, because I'm their sister, and most 11 year old girls automatically assume that I'm on of their girlfriends

Which, first of all




and third


But the good parts are always the best

People compliment me, and always put a smile on my face

Whats crazy, is that these people actually freak out when I interact with them

They treat me as if I'm this great celebrity that needs to be treated like a queen

anyways, back to my job tangent

I've always deep down wanted to do YouTube, ever since my brothers started I've always had a liking for it

So the next day, I wanted to talk to someone about it

nick was asleep

and madi matt owen, and daisy were all in the pool out back, doing God knows what

And nate went to the store with Mary Lou to get some snacks

so I went to chris

"Hey chris" I say smiling

"Hey lee" he says ruffling my hair

I pull his had away from my head as we both laugh about the whole interaction.

"so I was wondering if I could talk to you about something" I say sitting next to him

He was sitting at the island counter and the seats were REALLY high for me

Keep in mind I'm 5,3 so it took me a second to actually end up getting up there.

"Yea, you know you always can" he says putting his phone down and turning towards me

"Okay, so, ya know how I've always enjoyed being in your videos ?" I say looking at him

"Yea ! and we love having you in them" he says

"About that, so me wen and Dais were talking about it, and we would like to start a channel together" I say looking for his reaction and response

"Wait really ?" He says kinda shocked

"Yea" I say kinda nervous


I know what your think

your mind: ohh why is she nervous her brothers do that as their job 🤓

WELL first of all


second, I'm scared because what if they don't want me doing YouTube with them, what if they think I'm not fit to be a youtuber, what if they think that I'm dumb or goofy looking what if-

Anyways back to chris and I

"I love that idea lee!" He says very excited

"Wait really?" I ask actually surprised by his answer

"UHM DUH" he says in a duhh tone before continuing

"COME ON WE HAVE TO TELL THE OTHERS" he says grabbing my hand and dragging me through the entire house before we get outside

By this time nick was already out of the shower, and down by the pool

Chris drags me out the door and everyone is staring at us like they just saw a ghost

"NICK MATT" says chris

"What did he do this time rylee?" Asks nick

I dont respond but instead I laugh to myself a bit

"Uhh rude" says Chris's giving nick some sass

"What chris" says matt as he's trying to drown owen

"Uhh first off, quit drowning my little brother okay" says chris

Matt quickly brings owen back up from under the water, he was obviously joking about trying to drown him, but it was funny at the time

"Spill it chris I want to know now" says daisy

"OKAY so, rylee here" chris says as he's doing jazz hands at me "told me about how you guys were planning to do the YouTube channel" says chris

"Oh yea!" Daisy says remember the conversation

"Yup!" Says owen now fully invested

"Wait what" matt says hoping out of the pool "you really wanna" he says walking up to me

"Yea, ever since you guys stared, I've really liked it when I was on camera, I really enjoyed it and felt like I could be myself" I say

"I'm so down!" Says nick "I'm making the channel now!" He says running inside to go and get his computer

"I think it's the best idea you have ever had Lee, I'm really proud of you" says matt smiling at me

"Thanks b, that really helps me alot"

Chris looked a little annoyed at the sight of me and Matt's bond, I chose to ignore it at the time and ask him about it later

Matt tried to hug me

"NOPE UH UHH" I say hiding behind chris

"just one hug Lee that's all" he says walking towards chris with his arms wide open

Chris looked at matt and made a shocked face as he quickly dogged out of the way

"MATT" I say as he's now hugging me

"YOUR COLD AND U SMELL LIKE POOL WATER" I say as everyone starts laughing

The rest of the night we started setting up the social media accounts and it started gaining attention pretty quickly....

993 words !

Rylee sturniolo: sturniolos sisterWhere stories live. Discover now