Wheels Business

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Over the next few days, you and the Driver tried to come up with a plan for what to do with the money. It wasn't an easy decision, and there were a lot of factors to consider.

You knew that you couldn't just deposit the money into your bank account without raising suspicions. And you also knew that you couldn't just spend it all at once without drawing attention to yourself.

After several long discussions, you and the Driver finally came up with a plan. You would each take a portion of the money and use it to start a legitimate business. That way, you could slowly and discretely integrate the stolen money into your lives without raising any red flags.

You were both excited about the plan, but you also knew that it would be a lot of work. You would need to come up with a business idea, find a location, and start building the business from scratch.

But despite the challenges ahead, you felt a sense of optimism and excitement. For the first time in your life, you felt like you had a real shot at success and financial stability.

Over the next few weeks, you and the Driver worked tirelessly to turn your business ideas into reality. You spent countless hours researching different industries, scouting out locations, and meeting with potential investors.

Finally, you settled on an idea: a high-end car detailing and restoration shop. You knew that it would be a competitive market, but you also knew that you had the skills and passion to make it work.

With the help of Shannon, who had invested some of his own money into the business, you and the Driver secured a lease on a small warehouse on the outskirts of town. You spent weeks renovating the space, installing high-end equipment and creating a sleek, modern interior.

Finally, after months of hard work, you were ready to open for business. The first few weeks were slow, as you worked to build a client base and establish a reputation in the community.

But slowly but surely, your business began to grow. Word of mouth spread, and soon you had a steady stream of clients coming in for detailing and restoration services.

As your business grew, you and the Driver grew closer. You worked side by side every day, building something that you could both be proud of. And as you looked around at your thriving business, you knew that you had made the right decision.

Despite the risks and challenges, you had managed to turn a daring heist into a successful business. And as you looked towards the future, you knew that the two of you could accomplish anything as long as you were together.

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