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𝖺𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗅 𝟣𝟢𝗍𝗁 𝟤𝟢𝟣𝟫𝟵:𝟮𝟬 𝗔𝗠

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𝖺𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗅 𝟣𝟢𝗍𝗁 𝟤𝟢𝟣𝟫
𝟵:𝟮𝟬 𝗔𝗠

groggily, Soleia opened her eyes, squinting against the bright morning light streaming through the curtains. the warmth of the sun on her face gradually roused her from sleep.

as she surveyed the room, she sought any trace of him, but her gaze only met the empty alcohol bottles strewn across the floor. a wave of relief swept through her upon realizing his absence. with a soft sigh of gratitude that he had not yet returned, she braved the throbbing pain pervading her body and carefully propped herself into a sitting position. the room's disarray—the shattered glass, the spilled liquor, and the hollow cans—stood as stark reminders of the previous night's turmoil and the violence that ensued, sending a shiver down her spine as the memories of the night flooded back.

with one foot already on the floor, she slowly and cautiously placed her other foot down, feeling the floor's cold wood beneath her toes. she paused for a few moments to steady herself before standing, her legs weak and wobbly. gripping the nightstand for balance, she took a few tentative steps forward, testing her strength and steadiness before feeling confident enough to walk.

she traced the wall with her hands, feeling the wallpaper's bumps and ridges as she shuffled forward. the hallway seemed to stretch endlessly, and it took her minutes to finally reach the bathroom door. taking a deep breath, she grasped the handle and opened the door, relieved to find the lights still on. she flinched as she touched her tender skin, feeling the bruises that had formed overnight. the redness and heat radiating from her skin served as a reminder of the violence she had endured.

the bruises and cuts adorning her face were shades of dark purple and blue. Her lips were swollen, and as she gently touched her face, she winced from the pain. tears began to stream down her cheeks while she gazed at her reflection, overwhelmed with sadness.

taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes, mustering her strength as she made her way to the bathroom. aapproaching the bathtub, she turned on the tap, and the sound of cascading water began to fill the space. she steadied her breath, opened her eyes, and with renewed resolve, walked towards the bathroom. reaching the bathtub, she twisted the tap open, and the room was soon filled with the noise of flowing water.

soleia slowly and carefully began to undress, taking extra care to avoid the bruises that covered her body. she winced as she removed each piece of clothing, trying her best to not aggravate any of the tender spots. when she was finally done, she stood naked in front of the mirror, examining her reflection with a mix of sadness and pain.

she stepped into the steaming bathtub and gradually submerged herself in the warm embrace of the water. the heat caressed her skin, and she felt her muscles loosen, the day's tension dissolving away. with a deep exhale, a wave of contentment washed over her as the warmth comforted both body and mind. overwhelmed by a torrent of emotions, she felt powerless, engulfed by sadness, guilt, and regret. the tears that flowed down her cheeks became a silent release for the pain within.

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