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𝖺𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗅 𝟣𝟣𝗍𝗁𝟱:𝟬𝟬 𝗔𝗠

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𝖺𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗅 𝟣𝟣𝗍𝗁
𝟱:𝟬𝟬 𝗔𝗠

soleia's eyes gradually opened, and she saw the clock glowing at 5:01 AM. she glanced over her shoulder to find jeremiah, deeply asleep beside her. tears filled her eyes as a deluge of memories returned, and a wave of nausea overwhelmed her as she recalled the terror she had experienced.

she rose from the bed slowly, clenching her teeth against the intense pain as she shifted her weight onto her feet. a sharp, burning sensation radiated from her lower abdomen, and she noticed a trickle of blood running down her legs. soleia limped towards the bathroom, relying on the wall for support.

tears welled up in her eyes as she traced the tender marks on her skin. she struggled to recognize the reflection in the mirror as her own. she had transformed into someone unrecognizable, a stranger to herself. the person staring back at her seemed foreign, her body unfamiliar and alien, as if it were not her own. she felt a disconnection from her emotions, her thoughts seeming to belong to someone else.

she felt ensnared and powerless, unable to break the cycle of pain and disappointment. she started to doubt her value, questioning why she continued to return to something so detrimental to her well-being. despite her best efforts, she felt incapable of freeing herself from the relationship. no matter how strenuously she tried to escape, he always found a way to pull her back into his clutches. he had a rebuttal for every escape attempt she made, making it seem like she was caught in a perpetual cycle. it appeared as though he could dominate her, regardless of her actions.

she believed that being stronger, more intelligent, or more competent might have allowed her to avoid the predicament she faced. she reproached herself for not making wiser decisions and taking control of her life, feeling overwhelmed by helplessness and the apparent impossibility of altering her circumstances.

despite her loved ones' warnings about the potential dangers of the relationship, she was resolved to follow her heart and continue with it. she was convinced she could make it work, despite all the red flags and adverse advice. soleia often pondered whether disregarding her mother's counsel and ignoring the cautions about jeremiah was a mistake. she contemplated how her life might have differed had she chosen differently. would she be in a better place? would she be safer? would she be happier? soleia's mind brimmed with "what ifs" regarding the choices she had made in her life.

overwhelmed with regret and sorrow, she yearned for the chance to have chosen differently. she believed that an alternate route might have spared her the current pain and distress. she longed for the wisdom of better decisions and greater self-care.

turning on the shower, she let the hot water flow over her sore, aching body. the heat brought a comforting sensation to her bruised skin, offering relief from her discomfort. she took the body wash, creating a rich lather on her skin, then shampooed her long hair, feeling the foam wash over her. afterward, she stepped out and enveloped herself in a warm, fluffy towel.

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