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suddenly, soleia's awakening was interrupted by a harsh grip on her hair, causing her heart to race and adrenaline to surge through her veins. as she struggled to focus through the pain, she realized she was on the hard floor, pulled from her bed by the hand that was yanking her hair. her vision blurred, but she could make out the face of her attacker - jeremiah. his eyes were wide, his pupils dilated, and his lips twisted into a sinister grin. soleia desperately fought against his tight grip, squirming and writhing in an attempt to break free.

she could feel the fear rising within her as she struggled against his grip. with one hand, she desperately tried to pry his fingers off of her, but his hold only seemed to tighten. she was completely trapped and could do nothing to escape. as he pulled her up by her hair, she winced in pain and felt tears welling up in her eyes. he threw her onto the bed with a cold, emotionless stare. soleia's heart raced as she noticed his normally brown eyes now appeared much darker, filled with a dangerous intensity. she kept her head down, avoiding making eye contact with him, afraid of what he might do next.

soleia could feel the intensity of his emotions as he loomed over her, his eyes burning with anger and frustration. she was terrified of what he might do next. "where the hell were you?" he demanded, his grip on her face tight and painful. "i—i was here the whole time," she stammered, fear creeping into her voice. "can you please let go of me?" but jeremiah's expression only hardened as he looked at her for a second before his fist connected with her face. she cried out in pain as she fell to the ground, her heart racing with fear and confusion. "you think I'm fucking stupid?" he growled, his voice laced with rage. she could only cower in fear as he continued to lash out at her.

"i know you were at your stupid ass cousin's house," he said as his fist collided with soleia's face once again. she could only whimper as the blows rained down on her, hitting her on her face and any exposed part of her body. her mind was racing with fear as she tried to protect herself from the violent attack. she was trapped and helpless, unable to escape the hands of her abuser. the pain was excruciating, both physically and emotionally, as she realized she had nowhere to turn for help.

as jeremiah's relentless punches continued, soleia could feel her body weakening and the pain becoming almost unbearable. she knew she needed to defend herself, but her efforts seemed futile against his strength and aggression. yet, a spark of determination ignited within her, refusing to let her give up. despite the pain and exhaustion, she mustered up the strength to fight back, landing a few hits and finally connecting with his lips. with each hit, she felt a sense of empowerment, and her determination only grew stronger.

as she moved to escape, she felt him grab her hair and slam her head against the door. the world spun and her vision blurred. she could feel the warmth of her blood pooling beneath her, her head throbbing with pain as she struggled to stay conscious. she could hear the sound of her labored breathing and the pounding of her heart in her ears. soleia could barely make out his angry voice, yelling at her for trying to leave.

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