No one else

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Mike leaves the house, grabbing his bike and heading home. Grabbing his Walkie-Talkie and reaching will.

Mike pulls the antena and turns on his radio, "will, come in will. Will can you hear me?"

Static forms and Will's voice forms, "Will here, over."

Mike smiles and gets red, "hey will, c-can I come over to your house? Over."

Static forms again and Will's voice forms, "sure I'll open the door for you. over."

Mike smiles and clicks on the button, "alright. Thanks. Over and out"

Mike heads to wills house, dropping his bike and opening the door. Walking past el's door seeing el and max.
El looks up and sees mike, her smile dropping and looking mad. Max looks up and now looks mad. She walks up to the door and opens it.

Max walks up to mike and shoved his shoulder, what the hell are you doing here?

Mike tumbles back a bit, "I'm here to see will.."

Max rolls her eyes and puts a hand on your waist,"bullshit, you just want to see el cause your too obsessive of her."

Mike gives his grossed out face, "I-I'm n-"

Will walks in and holds onto mike's arm, "hey Mike, glad you made it safely, l- max, what do you want?"

Max glances at mike and back at will, "nothing."

Will sighs and shoos her away, "then leave mike alone."

Will grabs mikes hand and take him to his room.

Mike turns a little red.

Max and el goes back in the room and closes the door.

Mike and Will sit on the bed.

Will looks at Mike and breaks the awkward moment, "so what's up? Why did you want to come over."

Mike shrugs, "I just... I- ..."

Will tilts his head, "huh?"

Mike sighs, "I just need some advice."

Will raises his hands, "oh. Me? Give you advice? Mike.. your asking the wrong person."

Mike grabs his hand, "cmon will, you've dated before. You told me about it. You dated a girl."

Will looks down and sighs a bit, "... yeah. A girl... okay. I'll help."

Mike smiles, "thank you!"

Will gets a little red, "yeah.. n-no problem, so what's up? What do you need?"

Mike tenses a bit, "... so uh.. I like someone.."

Will frowns, " ... oh.. y-you do?"

Mike nods, "yeah.. but, I don't. I don't fully know if I do. And uh.."

Will looks at him interested, "yeah?"

Mike let's go of Will's hand, "it's.. a boy. And.. I think. I think I'm bisexual."

Will perks up, "Really?! Mike. That's amazing! You found out about yourself!"

Mike rubs the back of his neck, "yeah. But.. I don't know if my crush is gay.. so I need some help, to see if I actually have a crush. And if I do I want to learn how to make a move and confess."

Will thinks, "Well, we can start with feelings! So, how do you feel when you see this boy?"

Mike stares at will, " ... I can barely breathe, like I'm looking at pure heaven. Like.. like I have the urge to do anything for them, it's just so much to take. It's almost a new world that you just want to explore. I can't fully explain I-."

Will is a bit shocked, "wow. well, do you think you can talk to them?"

Mike tenses more, "Kinda, I get really nervous and barely know what to think"

Will sighs, "Wow Mike, you really must love this boy."

Mike smiles softly, "y-yeah. I do.. I really really do.

Will bites his lip softly, "Okay.. uhm. What's this boy's personality? "

Mike, lays his arm in his lap and stares at Will more, "He's kind, creative, shy, responsible. There's just so much."

Will gets a bit jealous, "Wow.. he kinda sounds like me.."

Mike mumbles, "That's cause it is."

Will looks at Mike, "huh?"

Mike quickly shoots up, "Oh uh. Nothing.."

Will raises a brow, "Oh. Okay."

Hello, my pure lovelies! Hope you liked this frustrating reaction! ☺️🫶

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Just a crushOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora