You Love Me?

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Mikes pov.

For what felt like forever.. we pull away.
Savoring the moment and wanting more  I grab wills hand and gently rub them, I look down and take a deep breath.

"Will.. I-I want to be your boyfriend!"

"Wh-What..?" In a shocked voice I look up and see will in tears.

"Ah! I'm so so so sorry!! I didn't mean to make you cry!!"

"I-I just wanted to uh..!"

"Mike..." I cut Will off

"I'm tired of waiting to see if im really gay!"

"Even if I'm not, I know for a fact that I love you!!" I tear up and squeeze his hand a little."

"Wait... you- you love me?" Will perks up and gets red.

"Yes! Yes I really do, when I was with Heather I couldn't stop thinking about you!"

"I just really wanted to be with you and I couldn't stand it!"

"Mike I-" I cut Will off again.

"No! Don't say anything! I know you might not love me back but I don't care!"

"Mike.." Will holds my face trying to shut me up.

"Will please! I need to tell you how mu-"

I feel will lean in and kiss me again, I relax and wrap my arms around him.

Max opens the door and yells, "Yo lovebirds! Are you-"

Her jaw drops as she sees us making out in the bathroom. Will quickly pulls away and gets super red. I just stare in so much confusion.

'Did I really kiss Will..? I scratch my head a little as a deep blush of red creeps my face. I suddenly feel hot, is the room temperature different?'

"U-uh.." I cant seem to find words to explain what even happened.

Then.. Heather walks in.
Ooooooo things are getting heated.
Literally 😍

Let's see who wins mike's heart.
**cough cough** will **cough*

Suggestions go here

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