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Evie: We call that a traumatic event

Evie: *turning to Jay* Not a "bruh moment"

Evie: *turning to Carlos* Not a "major L"

Evie: *turning to Mal* And definitely not a "off moment"


Jay: The ocean is a soup

Carlos: Do elaborate

Jay: What is needed for something to be a soup?

Carlos: Erm... Water, salt, some form of vegetation, and personally i prefer a littel meat in mine

Jay: *tilts head*

Carlos: The ocean is a soup!

Jay: The ocean is a soup!


Ben: I bet you're wondering why i gathered you here today. It's because we need to have a discussion about how some people in this room aren't getting along with other people in this room.

Mal: Why did you say that so vaguely? Audrey and i are literally the only people you called in here.


Evie: So how was your date?

Carlos: It was fun! We almost got surprised adopted.

Evie: ... What?

Jane: We almost got kidnapped

Evie: Oh, okay

Evie: ...



Audrey: You've saved me,  i owe you my life.

Mal: No thanks. I've seen your life and i'm not impressed


Ben: Why is Audrey crying?

Chad: She took that online quiz,
"Which of the VK's are you"

Ben: And?

Chad: She got Mal


After Descendants 3

Mal: The real treasure were the memories we made

Audrey: I almost died!

Mal: That was my fondest memory.

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