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Ben: Evie Mal is "going goblin mode". What is goblin mode? Please answer me.

Evie: Run.


Mal: I have a plan.

Evie: No murder!

Mal: I no longer have a plan.


Mal: You're cute when you worry about me.

Ben: Then i must be cute 24/7

Return To The Isle of the Lost

Mal: You betrayed me!

Maddy: Oh please. Betrayed implies i was ever on your side.


Audrey: Anything you say in the next 30 seconds is free, starting right now.

Mal: I thing you're cocky. Arrogant. Bossy and pushy. You also have a God complex and don't thing of anybody but your damn self.

Audrey:  But, i-

Mal: Wait. I stil have 23 seconds and i'm not done.


Audrey: Dear Santa, i've been good this year.

Audrey: Most of the year.

Audrey: Once in a while.

Audrey: Nevermind i'll buy my own presents.

Mal and Ben daughter got in a fight.

FairyGodmother: Mallory was in a fight.

Ben: Oh no, that's terrible!

Mal: Did she win?

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