Magical Mishaps

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Lessie POV

Garreth Weasley was at it again. His cauldron had the faint aroma of candied apples and was spewing forth a cloud of the most vibrant green smoke I had ever seen. To be honest, I found it quite impressive. Never had I witnessed someone so innovative. There were, however, others that did not appreciate his pioneering abilities.

"Honestly, Professor I did follow the recipe I promise!" His tone came off as less than trustworthy. This would be the 10th time this excuse had been used in the span of a month. None of them convincing.

"Mr. Weasley, I am beginning to suspect that you not only lack the ability to comprehend the meaning of that word but also lack the facilities to read as well. It seems that detentions are not sufficient, maybe a discussion with the Deputy Headmistress may be in order. Hmm?" A black brow raised quizzically.

"NO! No, please. I think I know what went wrong I can explain!" He backpedaled and I couldn't help but shake my head.

I looked across to my tablemate Leander and he smiled at me knowingly, his blue eyes lighting up with mirth. We had a running bet on if Garreth would make it to the end of the semester or if Professor Sharp would transfigure the boy into a toad. So far, the results were out, but it appeared to be leaning in my favor.

Professor Sharp on the other hand was past the stage of rebuke and was trying to have the Weasley boy walk him through the process step-by-step of how this could have possibly happened. His irritation was becoming more apparent with every word Weasley spoke. We were supposed to be brewing a simple Erudus potion, and it only contained two ingredients. Two! How could he possibly think Sharp wouldn't notice? The two potions looked nothing alike and a misstep this vast could only be caused by someone tampering with it or Weasley himself experimenting, which was likely the case. Neither option would play out in his favor.

Leander leaned over, whispering "At this rate, I am going to have to buy the whole of Honeydukes for you."

"Yeah, maybe." My voice came out a bit despondent.

I would normally be laughing right along with the rest of the class, but I had been worried about the fact that our third tablemate, Ominis had not shown up for class. He was never late, let alone skipped. More so than not he was always the first one here.

The only other time this had happened was when Leander hid his wand in the girl's lavatory towards the end of 5th year. Ominis, with his gentle nature, had simply refused to go after it stating something or other about propriety. We had all matured since the incident, so I didn't suspect bullying. Plus, the culprit was right across from me laughing. Leander had matured since then and I counted him among my friends. His past snobbery forgotten.

"Is there something on your mind? Usually, you'd be one of the first to crack a joke at Garreth's expense?" Leander asked with concern as he handed me a shaggy gray mass.

I gave him a shrug and took up my scissors, cutting off a patch of mongrel fur from a hide we were sharing. It was softer than usual as I had taken extra care to prepare it well with the help of our groundskeeper. The man was a genius with hide preservation and fresh ingredients were always best after all.

"I suppose you could say so. I find it rather odd that our third hasn't shown up to class."

Leander leaned over his cauldron to keep his voice to a whisper. "Ah, well I did see him while I was walking over here."

"Did you now?" My eyes lit up and I leaned closer.

He flashed me a handsome smile that reached his eyes. "I did, and it's all rather scandalous."

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