Consequences pt. 1

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Authors' Note: Sorry for the late post, I was meeting with some friends in a different city and the train took longer than expected coming home. This week's chapter has been split into two with the second part (both in Ominis' POV) to release next week.

With that being said I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who has read my story so far and who continues to read and support this. I appreciate all of your kind comments. They make me so happy to read!


Ominis POV:

My knuckles wrapped against the cold wood of my desk as Professor Binns droned on about some such war or rebellion. I took a shaky breath, trying to concentrate but it was hopeless in my current state. The anxious energy that had begun on Friday night had carried on over throughout the weekend into Monday. No matter how I replayed the chain of events in my head, I still couldn't get a logical answer as to why everything had played out as it did.

The most prolific question was why had Lessie stood me up? I could understand her being upset at my disappearing Friday night. That was justified, I myself would have been a bit miffed. Yet, I had sent her a letter, several in fact, explaining the circumstances. I felt the guilt rise once more at that being the most prominent concern. My stomach churned and my throat constricted, breathing picking up.

Oh come on now, get it together Ominis.

I attempted to use the breathing exercises once more, but my mind began to spiral.

Had I ruined our friendship? Did she despise me? Had she heard about what I had done to Hobhouse and assumed that I was more a Gaunt than previously thought? That I was more far gone than Sebastian? She must think me a monster. I wouldn't want to be my friend either. Worthless.... Deranged....

The thoughts kept swirling, bombarding me with self-loathing and I could feel my throat begin to constrict as if being strangled. The sweat began to form on my brow and a single trickle ran through my eyelashes stinging my eye. I ground my teeth, wiping at them with the corner of my robe. The robe, now that it became apparent, was too heavy on my shoulders, too warm. I shrugged out of it, pulling at my necktie as I heard the fabric hit the back of my chair.

Placing my head on the cool table, my hands fisted on either side by my ears, in hopes of some relief. I felt a hard poke against my thigh as I adjusted my posture. The bottle. I still had the bottle from Nurse Blainey in my pocket. I lifted my head and instead of my own inner monologue, the words spoken by my father on Friday flashed through my mind.

"Look at you Ominis, so weak over the opinions of others having to rely on potions for your wits? And here I thought you were finally making progress. Asserting your dominance as the Heir of House Gaunt, as an heir of Slytherin himself. You're a discredit to your own lineage boy, decades of carefully selected couplings and genes and it's been reduced to someone as weak-willed and broken as you. You disgust me."

My hand left the desktop sliding down into the silk lining of my trouser pocket and pulled out the cool hard vile. Without hesitation, having lost the care as to who saw me, I brought the vile to my lips. The sensation of the liquid coating my tongue slid down my throat moments later bringing with it an instant sense of peace.

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