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Author's Note:  Sorry for the delay! I have had the ick but am back to normal now. Chapters will continue again on a once-weekly basis. 

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Lessie's POV

I stood in shock as I stared at the boy in front of me. The gleam from the overhead lights made the sweat glisten, giving his skin an unearthly pallor that was splotched with bright red patches. This was the most color I'd seen on him in quite some time.

My eyes followed his features watching his chest cave in and out with the heavy breaths. Could he have run all the way here? From where? Ominis wasn't known for his athletic abilities; more so, he often took his time, only ever picking up his stride to a casual speed walk. Or, should the situation be dire, a light sprint, but never to this extent.

Poppy cleared her throat, and I returned to my body, realizing that I stood utterly exposed. His hand felt warm on my chest, and I could feel it seeping into my skin, causing my heart rate to double. The flush of embarrassment only bloomed darker as I saw where his hand was connected.

As if in sync, Ominis and I came to the realization at the same time. He withdrew his hand, stumbling backward as I quickly clutched the sheet from the bed covering myself, not that it would help in his case.

"I-i'm so sorry! I didn't. I mean.... MERLIN!" His voice came out in a wheeze, and he maintained an effort to stay upright, swaying a bit.

"No, no, it's okay... are you okay?!" I asked, approaching him as if he were a caged graphorn.

"Y-yes...." He wheezed once more, but as his knees began to buckle again, a whispered confession crossed his lips.

" N-no..."

I closed the gap.. grabbing him by the shoulders and forcing him to sit down at the end of my cot. He was shaking, and I couldn't tell if the moisture on his face was from sweat or tears. I had only seen him cry once, but it was different from this.

I attempted to crouch but realized that the numbing salve had its limits, and stretching the skin was out of bounds. Standing back up and repositioning my blanket against my chest. I made to sit down next to him, wrapping my arms around him in a side hug before turning to the Hufflepuff.

"Poppy, can you call for the matron?"

She nodded, starting a cacophony of loudly urgent yells as I sat with my fellow Slytherin.

Whispering gentle encouragement on how to breathe, my hands slowly moved to his back, all sense of the earlier impropriety forgotten. With the shock of his sudden intrusion out of the way, I was able to assess him more thoroughly. He was dressed down, with no robe, just a simple green plaid school vest over a white button-down shirt. My right hand ran large circles from the top of his collar down to mid-back.

I listened to his breathing, making a conscious effort to breathe loudly next to him so he could mimic the repetitions. After a minute or so, the redness on his face and neck started to recede, and his breaths became more even. The melancholy look was ingrained in his features, however. He turned his face towards me, inches from my own, and I could smell the sweet scent of jam. I stayed still, observing, heartbeat racing, willing it to slow down to no avail.

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