Consequences Pt. 2

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Authors Note:  I would like to apologize for the lack of quality for this chapter. I have had severe writer's block, coupled with a very intense field trip at school. I will do better in the future. Also, the next chapter is going to be very fluffy, because well... I think Ominis needs a break before he has a heart attack.... also opinions on our Ravenclaw friend Andrew?



The chill in the stairwell seemed to intensify as I stood rigidly under the gaze of my sire. The cold stone seeping up through the leather of my shoes into my very bones, causing my blood to halt its movements. While outwardly I remained calm, I was fighting against every fiber of my being as it screamed out to run.

"Father" My tone was devoid of emotion. A practiced sort of response, coated in a false sense of respect.

The footsteps continued their echoes until the presence made itself known in front of me. It took all my willpower to remain rooted in my current position. As trained, I pocketed my wand, placing my hands at my sides in obedience.

"It seems I might have an inkling of fatherly pride at the display you created." He tutted before placing his hand on my shoulder and giving it a firm squeeze.

"A true Gaunt understands the dynamics of tact. While you lack this still I believe there is hope you can be guided properly."

He leaned in closer, and I could feel the hot breath tickling my ear. His scent prominent, much like his personality. The ever present smell of iron and linen made for a confusing contradiction, and I wanted to pull away. I wanted to run, yet I stayed with our bodies inches apart. If anyone were to pass by this would seem like any embrace a father would give to his son. I made no moves, just waited for what I knew would come.

"How did it feel Ominis? To hear that boys screams of pain? Did he beg? Plead? Did he curse your name as he writhed in his own excrement?"

"I-" My voice betrayed me as the memories of earlier resurfaced. My sisters voice the one screaming out in fear. It was a torment, causing hazy recollections from my childhood in Gaunt Manor to bubble up, twisting and mixing with it.

The grip on my shoulder tightened. The finger tips pressing into the muscles, causing a small dose of pain that tempered my mind back to the present. Father's grip became vice like and I let out a small yelp as the press of his rings dug into my collarbone even with the thick layers of uniform.

"Ahh, but it wouldn't have been the boys' voice now would it? It must have been comforting to hear your sister begging for help, a nice reminder of home."

The pain of my father's grip coupled with the remorse of what I had done caused the familiar knot in my stomach to exploded taking over my senses. Everything felt like too much, everything was all wrong. The quick pulse in my veins became a drumming echo blocking my ability to hear the taunts and insults spewed at me. I tried to focus on the pain to ground myself but to no avail.

"Stop, please." The words sounded garbled as the passed my lips.

I had lost my battle of remaining unmoved, unbothered by his onslaught. This was the game he liked to play. Always seeing how far he could push me before I cracked, giving him cause enough for his barbaric tendencies. I had broke and he had won. As if incited by the lack of decorum I was showing in the empty hall inaudible words caroseled around me. I couldn't concentrate on them as the full wait of my hysteria had caught up to me.

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