The Failed Bechdel Test

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Lessie's POV

"It's going to be fine, you're safe." Poppy's voice broke through the fog of my dreams, and I forced my eyes open. She was gently stroking the back of my head, continuing her endearment as I made an attempt to move. The blazing pain shot up my back once more and I bit into the pillow muffling my cry.

"Yeah, I don't really recommend doing that." Poppy cooed.

Once, the throbbing had begun to dull I turned my head to face her, taking in the surroundings. She was lying on a cot pushed closer to mine than was usually permitted. So close in fact, that if she had been able to, she could have rolled from her mattress onto mine. Her leg hung up in a holster at the foot of the bed, immobilized on both sides with planks. The curtains were drawn, but I knew by the familiar scent and the bedding that we were in the infirmary inside the castle.

Poppy's lips were twisted up in a smile, but her eyes held a torrent of concern. She looked like she wanted to speak but was waiting for me to open the conversation up. Not wanting to keep her waiting, and to also push the remnants of my dreams back into their little box I made to speak.

"Well Sweeting, I know we had said we wanted to have more girl time, but I don't think I exactly had this in mind when I said that."

She let out a snort, that turned into a full-on cackle, causing the Matron to swiftly pull back the curtain. Her continence was one of relief as she took in the scene before her. I made to push up from the bed once more, to get a look at her but was swiftly reprimanded.

"None of that Miss Aspen, you're lucky we have a nurse on staff proficient in burns. Elsewise you'd be awaking in less familiar company."

"Noreen don't scare the poor girl. Stumbling into dragon fire while foraging must have been frightening enough." The familiar voice of the Deputy Headmistress lilted.

I was glad she couldn't see the look of confusion on my face. This must have been the lie that Sebastian had cooked up. If there was one thing that was a blessing at times, it was his uncanny ability to turn situations in his favor. No doubt him appearing in the hospital wing, with not one but two unconscious, gravely injured women would have raised a few eyebrows.

"Do you mind If I have a few private words with the students?"

"Of course, I have to go prep the next round of salves for them anyways. If you need anything feel free to call out, I'll be down the hall." Without a further exchange, I felt the weight of the bed near my feet shift as Professor Weasley sat between Poppy and myself.

"Good day, Professor."

"That remains to be seen, Miss Aspen. It seems that your companions can't keep the story of what happened straight between the two of them. I was wondering If you would be able to share a more complete version?"

While her tone was kind and motherly, it held a slight threat of 'Don't you dare lie to me'. This wasn't the first time I had been in a situation that needed a bit of coercion, however usually I had time to prepare beforehand. I snuck a glance over at Poppy, but she was looking away clearly not wanting to implicate herself further.

"To be honest, my mind is still hazy. I feel like my whole body is on fire and its hard to stay awake.... Do you think perhaps we could talk about this after I've had some rest?"

"You've been asleep for the past two days; I quite think you've had plenty of rest from how you greeted Miss Sweeting just moments prior to this."

"TWO DAYS?!?" I shouted, pushing myself up and attempting to turn, only to be greeted once again by the searing pain. Flopping back down to my supine position I groaned, burying my face into the pillow muffling the sounds.

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