Chivalrous Shenanigans

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Ominis POV:

The road to Hogsmeade was one that I seldom traversed alone. It wasn't that I found displeasure in the task itself, more so that resulting location. Even with my wand, the path parallel to the forbidden forest could hold many surprises. Ones I was not keen to expose myself too. Not to mention the town itself was an apex of swarming busy bodies.

I had never been one for crowds. The constant chattering, loud noises and close press of bodies often left me disoriented and caused my wand to malfunction. Truth be told, it happened a bit more than I cared to admit. It was a nerve-wracking experience all and all.

However, this is where I found myself. Headed along with the rowdy gaggle of upperclassmen who were off to celebrate the festivities of All Hallows Eve with a couple pints of butterbeer. The air was thick with excitement and a slight chill as the icy fingers of last October brushed past. I wrapped my scarf tighter around my throat, mentally praising myself for adding the additional sweater in my travel bag for later.

There was a buzz coming off my peers that seemed to be catching like wildfire, spreading from one to the other, increasing the volume of chatter. I could pick out the voices of a few of my classmates, but after a bit it all turned into white noise. The cacophony blended together as the dirt road under my shoes was replaced with cobblestone, signaling the entrance to the town proper.

If I had timed this right, which I knew that I had, my query would be somewhere around Spintwitchs if not already in the shop itself. I hastened forward, wand close to my body to avoid any accidents. The din of the crowd pulsed in my ears, giving them a slight ache. The onset of a migraine no doubt. Scowling in discomfort, I pushed forward.

The sooner I find him the sooner we can leave.

As if sensing my apprehension at being out on one of the busiest of holidays, I was guided steady and true to the front of the establishment. The scent of varnish and various types of wood had a calming effect. One big inhale and I pushed open the door and was greeted with a heated discussion. I slowly shut the door behind me, making sure to be as quiet as possible.

"I already told you Mr. Larson I can't go any lower than 3000 galleons for it."

Albie Weekes, the proprietor, had a complacent tone to his voice, as if this were a common occurrence between the two. If the gossip was to be believed it was very much a common debate. Larson had been harassing the shopkeeper since the start of the term.

"But Albie, it's a leftover from last year's stock. Even at that price no one is going to buy it when you have the latest model in the display! This is highway robbery."

"Well, if that's your logic, you are free to purchase the newer model."

"If I had the funds I would. Can't you just drop the price on the older one?"

The older man let out a scoff.

"I think 40% off is more than fair for something of this quality." Weekes chortled, crossing his arms across his chest.

"40% off my foot!" At that he really did stamp his foot.

I chose this moment to clear my throat, making both men turn in my direction, and pulling them out of what I was sure would have devolved into a temper tantrum on the younger man's part. I could hear the older of the two straighten up and step forward with a forced smile to his voice.

"Ah, Mr. Gaunt. I haven't seen you in here, well...." He paused and swallowed, trying to think of a way to steer the conversation so as not to insult me. "Since ever really... how can I help you today?"

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