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mia's mom left to work 5 minutes ago. she made sure by going downstairs for a drink and she saw that her mom's car wasn't in the drive way. she smiled wide and ran upstairs for her phone to call rafe.

m: rafe? you can come over!

r: on my way already

rafe hunged up the phone and got into the car to go to mia's house. he got into a store just to get her something. he got her chocolate and also tulips. he pulled up to mia's house. she was already waiting for him outside. she run up to him and hugged him.

"hey hey okay" rafe said as he hugged her back.

"come in" mia said with her iconic smile on her face. they got into the house and imidiatly into her room.

"when will your mom get back home?" rafe asked.

"i don't know, she usually gets home late at night and if she gets home early she won't come upstairs to check on me, and her room is downstairs."

"so all i have to do is wake up early and sneak out?" rafe asked.

"yeah, she usually sleeps till 11 pm." mia said and they both got into her bed and watched her tv. it was some horror movie. mia wasn't afraid of those, she enjoyed watching it. rafe also wasn't scared at all ever since he killed someone. it was a trauma for him but he didn't care anymore.

"oh i forgot i got you something, i left it downstairs, im gonna go get it." rafe said

"yeah sure go ahead " mia smiled. while rafe was going down the stairs he noticed someone going into the house. it looked like mrs. liver.
he hid behind the edge of the stairs that easy covered him. mrs.liver noticed the flower and chocolate on the island.

"mia!" she yelled. mia heard it form her room and got scared as fuck. she opened the door to her room and saw rafe hiding himself. she pointed at her bathroom to hide him there. he got in quietly.

"mia! get your ass down here" she yelled once again. mia ran downstairs

"sorry mom, i was listening to musici didn't hear you." she looked at the flowers and chocolate on the island. she imidiatly knew what to lie.

"i see you finded my present. i want to apologise for being such a bad daughter, i got these for you, i thought you'd like them. im sorry that i went to the store to buy these but i just wanted you to love me" mia started fake crying.

"oh sweetie. come here" they hugged
"i just got back because i forgot my wallet but thank you. im going to be back at 3am, i have an extra shift so it will take me long, also you're free. you're not grounded anymore" mias mom said

"aww thank you byee" mia said as she ran up.
her mom left and took the chocolate with herself. mia got into the bathroom making sure rafe is still there.

"what was that?" rafe asked

"my mom"

"did she notice me?"

"no, but she thinks i bought those for her as an apology gift" she laughed.

"what do you want to do?" rafe asked

"i don't know, maybe we should get to know each other more before we start our thing" mia said. rafe agreed and they talked for hours and they kept on laughing.

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