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in the morning mia completely forgot what happened last night. she had a really painful headache. sarah woke up at 7am but fell asleap an hour later again.

mia was sitting on sarahs bed, covered in blankets and sarahs plushies were everywhere.  her hair was messy and dry, her make up was smudged and she was in jj's hoodie.

she was half asleep. she was just sitting on the bed with a blank stare at the wall infront of her.

she realised where she was. mia tried collecting memories from the night but sje could. she slowly got out of bed and went downstairs.

she was hoping noone will be home. ward wasn't but rafe was. he looked mad. mia started looking for painkillers and a cup of water.

"where were you last night?" rafe said, his arms were crossed.

"ahm i was supposed to call you and ask you if i can go-" she was trying to explain but rafe stoped her

"then why didn't you?"

"look rafe im super sorry, i can explain everything even tho i don't remember coming here at all, I'll explain right after i threw up" mia said as she was walking to the bathroom while holding her pounding head.

everyone could tell that rafe was ferrous and mad at his girlfriend.

"okay so you're mad at me for what?" mia asked when she walked out of the bathroom

"you know what? you tell me. why i should or i shouldn't be mad about. " rafe said with an angry face.

"well honestly, i have no idea. maybe because i didn't call or invite you but as much as i remember sarah begged me to not call you" mia said.

"yeah? and whats about that picture with jj? you were literally cuddling another boy while having a boyfriend?" rafe yelled

"oh yeah since when are you my boyfriend huh? and if that is cheating so did you! im 100% sure i would give anyone a million dollar check because im sure that any girl that were on that party was fucked by you! any! and i don't care honestly like im fucking done with you and all of this shit i don't want to overthink everything every night, i dont want to be controlled by you." mia yelled back but stopped to breath because she couldn't.

"yeah of course! im the shit maker im the bad influence of fucking course! yeah of course i cheated on you and you not being my girlfriend was all your choice. you know why? because you fucking wouldn't answer the phone last week Thursday at 6 fucking pm. controlled by me? oh such a stupid little girl you were the one who first wanted to spend time with me. remember when you knocked on my door and asked me to spend time with you? woah i gave that a chance and here we are i really shouldn't have done that but-"

"but maybe what? but you were so bored and you didn't wanted to spend your money on other bitches so you reached for the first option? alright you know what? you were never ever anything to me. you didn't matter at all. i just wasted my time for i don't know reasons but honestly i never ever gave less fuck." mia yelled. sarah came down to see whats happening. rafe would continue arguing and yelling if sarah wouldn't cut him off.

"what the fuck is happening right now? mia got the fuck upstairs. rafe go for a ride or actually i don't  care just go far from mia" sarah said

"gladly" rafe said shutting the door loudly.
mia got upstairs straight into sarahs room. she was on her phone deleting the post she made last night.

sarah got into her room to see a hangover girl crying in her so called boyfriends sweatshirt. sarah hugged her trying to comfort her.

"he's an ass just ignore him" sarah said

"no he's right. i should have called him or give him a text but i didn't. who the fuck posted these cringe pictures like i would never post myself or actually cuddle with jj. he's so fucking annoying i shouldn't have have agreed on going out. i was so fucking afraid to go but you sarah thanks to you i had enough confidence to go. im not blaming you but still" mia threw words not even knowing what she is saying she was just talking and sniffing the water in her nose.

"its fine its okay. why don't you sleep a little?"
sarah left the room to let mia sleep.

rafe was at toppers talking shut about what happened with him and mia.

"man that sucks, she wanted you furst and you got played? sorry for you. she's a pouge right? im not surprised. she just wanted your money brother." top said. rafe knew that it wasn't true. mia was average and she didn't use rafe for money. actually she was the one who would argue to pay.

"maybe i dont care anymore. if she wants to be a slut then let it be." rafe said then took a sip into a bottle filled with cold beer.

"she just wanted to fuck man. you know what you should do? go get yourself a hoe somewhere and make her jealous. " top said

"topper, we didn't broke up. i won't cheat on her"

"you two aren't even dating plus if you guys were she cheated already. she posted her cuddling that pouge"

"but i won't do what she did im not like her."

time skip:

mia was sleeping all day and when she woke up she decided to go home. she felt like she's holding up space and was useless there so she left. mia also didn't wanted to bump into rafe after what happened in the morning. 

nobody was home so the whole house was hers, still she didn't wanted to rot in the house.

she decided she will go out for a swim. she got on a bikini and some jorts to cover her while she drives out to the beach.

when she arrived she took her shorts off and went straight to the water. she was riding small waves.

after a while she got out of the water to dry up.

"noway" topper said pointing at mia from afar to rafe. they were walking to get mia off rafes mind.

"i want to go talk to her" rafe said

"beat the shit out of her" barry hyped rafe up
rafe walked to the tanning mia.

"so how's your little boyfriend?" rafe asked

"huh?" mia sat up to see who is talking to her.

"rafe what the fuck i dont have a boyfriend" mia said

"well the how's your blonde prince" rafe asked

"you're blonde too" mia smiled and rafe sat down next to her.
"look i didn't mean what i said and im super super sorry that i didn't texted you. and you did really mean a lot to me even if i didn't to you, look rafe i know i never said it but-" mia tried explaining but rafe cutted her off with a kiss.

topper and barry were dissatisfied they thought rafe will yell at her or something but instead he makes out with her. what a dump fuck

hey lads and gents how are we? i love rafe when he's mad so there will be more of this. anyway I'm going to let you read byeee💋

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