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I had isolated myself completely. Only once I had phoned in between with Max to assure him that I was well. Where I was, however, I had concealed from him. I just wanted to be alone.

Something I had never said about myself before. I hated being alone and I hated silence, but after the last few days and weeks, I hadn't needed anything else. I had just needed to be by myself. I had needed silence and now I had arrived in Abu Dhabi to watch the last race of the Formula 1 season.

Max was already world champion, but I still wanted to be there. I was always there and even now I would not let myself be dissuaded. No matter how little I wanted to be in the public eye. I would just stay in the Red Bull pit. Then I wouldn't run the risk of seeing Pierre.

From the airport, I drove straight to the hotel, took my bags to my room, and then had myself taken to the track.

And no matter how much I wasn't actually ready to be here, I was looking forward to it. I just loved motorsports too much. I liked the volume, the smells, the atmosphere, and I let myself get caught up in it right away.

A smile slipped across my lips as Nyck looked over to me.

"Hey Livy. I was starting to think we weren't going to see you this weekend. When you didn't show up here with Max..."

"No, I was just taking a little vacation," I smirked as the Dutchman put his arm over my shoulder.

Starting next season, he was also part of the Red Bull family, then we would definitely see each other more often again.

I liked Nyck. We were about the same age and had also known each other for a really long time. He had raced against Max early on and we had hit it off right away. Nyck was very relaxed. Focused, but relaxed.

"Livy!", now Mick also came up to us with a big grin and pulled me tightly into his arms.

Little Schumacher was, just like Nyck and Gina, one of my additional siblings. The two Schumacher children had grown up with Max, Vic and me and Nyck had joined them at some point. I had always taken care of the younger ones as best I could.

Even if I had certainly not always been the best role model.

Whereby Mick could use a little of my anger. But he was still too polite. I would surely be able to beat that out of him at some point.

"Where have you been?" asked Nyck.

"Hawaii.", I laughed.

"You sure? You don't feel a bit tanner than...", Mick put in and immediately cashed a light punch against my arm.

He grinned widely and pulled me back to him.

"Ass.", I laughed, feeling a strange weight fall from my heart at that moment. I hadn't been laughing very much lately, but with Mick and Nyck there was no way around it.

"Where he's right...", Nyck put in, now also collecting a punch from me.

"You guys are cheeky!", I laughed "It's about time I gave you guys a bit of a snort.", I smirked.

"You sure left us hanging," Nyck grinned.

"Sorry, I've had... I've had a lot on my mind," I muttered.

"Yeah we've heard.", Mick lowered his voice a little "Are you ok?", he squeezed my arm gently.

"It's ok. I'll be fine," I nodded.

"Just because you're the oldest of us doesn't mean you have to struggle with everything on your own. You know that, right?", Nyck asked, raising an eyebrow.

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