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Another book from the infinite 9 so you better read it now If you haven't already.
Layla's POV:
Ian, Nabu,Me and Sara just got trapped underground and soon Sara went to sleep and didn't wake. Everyone was fighting Baltor and suddenly lions came and medical ships also came. They got us all out and Sara was still in a deep sleep. They took Sara to one ship while me Ian and Nabu went to another and we were taken to the magix hospital.
Blooms POV:
All the winx and specialists (excluding Nabu, Layla, Ian and Sara) were in the magix hospital helping out when suddenly a ship arrived and out stepped Layla, Nabu and Ian. I quickly ran over and asked Layla "where is sara". I could tell they were tired so Layla just said next ship as another ship arrived. Suddenly we heard shouting as workers rushed out of the ship with Sara unconscious on a floating stretcher and she was taken straight inside where people were yelling stuff like " she is barely breathing" or "her heart rate is slowing". At that I was scared and I called Daphne and my parents. When they got here I told them about Sara and they all freaked out.

In the end Sara was alright and they helped stable her and everyone lived happily ever after.

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