More Precious than Gold

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The shock of finding Pike on the Medusa nearly stopped my heart. Keeping my hat pulled low over my ears, I turned away and frantically looked about for a place to hide. I spied a tall stack of crates and almost stumbled in my haste to slip behind them. Then, safe from observation, I began to breathe again as I considered my predicament.

We were short one man, and it was clear to me that Jeremy intended to fill that vacancy with Pike. In my mind's eye, I could see the various consequences of this, all of them unpleasant.

Although he didn't know our names, Pike would explain how his hand had been stabbed by some violent brigand bent on impressing his fancy woman. Unfortunately, the moment he laid eyes upon me or Hector, he would recognise us and pass the word to Jeremy.

And how Jeremy would love it! Relishing the prospect of a scandal, he would probe and pry endlessly, until at last he uncovered our clandestine marriage. After that, I would be in his power, to be used for spying and other unsavoury schemes hatched by whomever he served at court.

If I refused, he could spread the scandal amongst the courtiers. King George might ignore a distant piratical connection, but this would be too much. I would be dismissed from service, and the King would let the law do its work.

Fear and helplessness made knots in my stomach.

Whilst I stood paralysed, wondering what to do, the door to the great cabin flew open, and Hector appeared. He saw Pike at once and strode towards him, with Jack the monkey perched atop his shoulder.

I peeked out from behind the crates, holding my breath.

"What're ye doin' on me ship?" Hector demanded loudly.

Pike's jaw dropped. "Bloody hell!" He turned to Jeremy, waving his bandaged hand. "There's the bastard wot done this!"

I groaned. Nothing could stop Pike telling his story now.

"Next time 'twill be yer guts!" Hector declared. "Now take yer thievin' hand and get off me ship, ye cockroach!" The monkey screamed as his master took a step forward. Pike cowered back.

"Captain Barbossa! Please!" Jeremy stepped between them, rather bravely, since Hector looked ready to draw his pistol. "This man is an able seaman and I've offered him a berth on the Medusa," he said. "Now what is this about his hand?"

Hector glared at Pike as though he would burn a hole through him. "He was three sheets t' the wind and bent on a spree. He tried to take me lady's winnin's and I pinned his hand to the table."

"Ow was I to know she was yer lady?" Pike whined. My throat went dry. An intolerable number of details seemed to be emerging, and would eventually point to me.

Jeremy, trying to calm Hector's temper, glanced about for reinforcements and noticed me hovering behind the crates. Before I could draw back, he summoned me with an insistent wave.

There was to be no escape. I approached, my legs feeling as heavy as lead.

Pike, who had begun to tell his story, suddenly noticed me. His speech slowed and his voice trailed off. He stared, squinting as though trying to recall something. 

I stared back at him blankly, as if at a total stranger, but desperate thoughts raced through my mind. Perhaps I could kill him before he identified me. Exactly how I would explain my murderous attack was another question. Still, I flexed my hand, ready to draw my scimitar.

Time seemed to pause. I stood motionless, muscles tensed, waiting for the light of recognition to dawn. Instead, Pike frowned, gave his head a puzzled shake, and looked away. I exhaled slowly, trying to conceal my amazement. 

Pirates of the Caribbean:The Spanish Prisoner (Book 2 King's Messenger Series)Where stories live. Discover now