Chapter Six

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The girl in the picture is what Yla looks like..

So yeah..
To the story...

Sean's POV

"Never in a million years" I shouted but once I got further at him..

I mumbled...

"I still love you"

That's the last words that I said to him after I ran away but Im glad, he didn't heard it.

And I mumbled it.

Wait I mumbled it so that means I don't need to tell Yla what I said after I ran.

But I cant lie to her, she never lie to me.

But Im not sure that she's honest with me!

Ahhh it's too hard!

"Babe? Again what did you say after you ran?" Yla asked again.

"Umm...nothing! I just said that 'why is he so rude?' And then yeah, y-you're here talking t-to me. That's all" I replied stuttered.

"Oh okay! I'll see you in the cafeteria Babe! Be there at 11:30" she said while walking to her next class.

"Yeah I'll be there! See ya!" I replied then started walking to my next class.

Oh and I forgot to tell you, my first class is History.

Im a big fan of books too That's why I love History.

I reached the class in time and I seat in front next to the window.

I feel someone's eyes burning at me so I look around and found that Harry is staring at me but as soon as he realize what He's doing he quickly looks away.

What the actual fuck did I just saw?

Harry Styles is staring at me! That's the first time in 2 years, That's unexpected. Wow and I feel so Happy.

What the heck?!

He sits at the back and now He's staring to the window.

God he looks so adorable, why cant he just be like that all the time? I mean no rude comments and friendly, I swear.

"That's it for now. Class dismiss" Prof said.

When I was about to walk out of the classroom someone called me.

"Sean?..." a familiar voice said, by now it was Harry.


Keep Voting!!

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