Chapter Ten

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After we start here's some cast, I dont know where to write them or where to put them, I just cant find it so I'll write it here.

Sean Figuroa - As Yourselves (hahah)

Yla Valentin - as your own bestfriend

Harry Styles - As himself

So yeah, That's all.

Move on to the story!!

Sean's POV

"What Happened?!" Someone said, and I realize it was Harry.


Harry's POV

"Umm....nothing, I just fell off of this stupid chair and landed on the carpet and now your here, That's what happened" she told me, as if like I dont care about her.

I walk closer to her and make her back faced on me.

"Ok, what about this, what happened to this" I said getting her hands away from the bruise and poked it, Im mad now because Im worried!

"OW!" Is all that she said then looked at me confused.

I think, She doesn't think Im worried all she knows is that Im rude that I dont care about her, WTF am I really that rude?

"Tell me, what happened to your back and why it has a fucking bruise on it!?"

"Fuck, chill Harry, it's only a bruise and dont get too worried, you're not my father." She said then grabbed the things that we needed, then walked downstairs.

Okay I just made her mad, but Im worried, goddamn it!

I followed her downstairs and she's now in the Salas, sitting in the sofa, her legs in indian position with her arms crossed with a pouty lips.

She's so cute, Im gonna make her mad all day just to see her cute face, just for now and Let's see...

Sean's POV

Ok now, I saw him staring at me with a teasingly look at his face, Whats next?


Oh rude again?
Hi sorry guys for not updating so long, as I've said I only use my phone when it's weekends because of the fucking school, so yeah.. and sorry if it was short

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