Chapter Eleven

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Harry's POV

It's time for a silly Harry and a bit rude, I guess?..

"Now what? You're mad at me? Ok, Im just worried so now Let's start this Shit" I said a bit annoyed.

And she just looked at me shocked.

"O-k." Is all that she said and then she faced the books looking confused still with her pout lips.

Aww, Shit she's so cute!!

"Umm...sit down Harry we will start now." She said.

That's when I realize that Im staring and smiling at the thought of my her in my mind.

I quickly look away and sit beside her.

"Read this first and we will have a quiz about it." She said in a teasingly tone.

Ughhh, it's sexy.


After 30 minutes of reading and memorizing, it is now for quiz.

Fuck! I hate this!

But it's the only way to get closer to her.

My subconscious reminded me.

"You ready Harry?" She asked, Im really annoyed now.

"Yeah bitch Im ready, now Let's start this fucking quiz!" I shouted

Styles what did you just said?! Why do you said that?!

She looked completely shocked but then it changes, she smile evily, then she rolled his eyes, back to the paper she's holding.

Fuck, Im dead!

"Styles, number you paper 1-30" she demands.

'Wow she called me Styles!'

I shake the thoughts in my mind, it doesn't matter if she called me by my surname!

It's the QUIZ!

"WTF? 1-30? You said it was up to 10?" I asked realizing it was up to 30 instead of 10.

She looked at me with a blank stare.

"It's your punishment for being rude, Harrold."

How does she know my name 'Harrold'?

"Wait how do you kno-"

"Question number one....."

And then she went on....

After that 30 questions, I was nervous because she said if I dont get 15+ she will stop tutoring me.

So that means, I will fail for getting closer to her..

By now she was checking my paper...

"Styles, you got....." she started.

"I got what?" I said trying to sound rude.

She just stared at me and look at the paper again.

"You got 25/30, well done!" She said while squeaking.

"Yes!" Fist pumped.

She really do help me, thanks to her and to the book.

"So I'll see you on Wednesday?" She asked.

"How bout Monday? It's Friday today so it should be Monday, right?" I asked.

"Harry, I cant tutor you every day, Im always free every Wednesday, so that'll be the only day that we will have our tutor, okay?" She explained.

"Okay!" Well, I agreed at least I'll see her every Wednesday.

She walked me up to their door, and I think it's my time to tell her about everything.

" I'll see you on Wednesday?" She asked again.

"Yeah, Umm Sean?"


"I have to tell you something." I started

"What is it?" She asked.

"'s about your childhood bes-" I was again cut off, her phone rings..

"Oh sorry Harry, Wait a sec. Yeah mom?....Oh okay!" She ended it.

"Shit Styles, you have to go now, my mom is on her way home." She said while pushing me towards the door.

Yay! Two updates in one day, so see ya again next weekend!!

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