Sunghoon under the ice

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"Are you sure the ice is thick enough?" Jungwon asked as his teeth chattered from the cold. His concern was just met with a nonchalant wave from the staff who were too busy touching up makeup to care. "Ah Jungwon I'm sure it's fine" Heeseung reassured the younger as he laced up his skates, "right Jake?" Jake just nodded in agreement too excited to care about any cautionary measures.

Jungwon was the only person concerned really, everyone else was shaking with anticipation to glide across the freshly ice corrupted lake (despite it's insufficient thickness). The leader was soon reassured by Sunghoon who offered his expert opinion on the ice.

"Looks fine too me"

Soon staff were prepping the games and explaining what the challenges were going to be. The band was filming for their new season of en-o'clock, and it seemed each season the challenges were getting more and more extreme. "Ok so basically" the director started to explain, "We're going to split you up into 3 teams and youse are going to compete in 3 rounds. First round will be race, Second round is going to be a limbo and then we'll have a freestyle competition. I hope that's ok with everyone?" The boys nodded profusely all eager to get out on the makeshift ice rink.

Soon after the cameras started rolling and the boys did their usual intro. "Ok shall we pick our teams?" Jay asked looking at the other boys expectantly. "Yes!" they all practically screamed with enthusiasm. A cup was passed around the group and the boys each took a piece of paper. On cue they all read out their numbers and got into groups.

The first team consisted of Heeseung and Niki, the second was Jake and Jungwon and the last was Sunoo, Jay and Sunghoon. "Great.." Sunoo said through gritted teeth as Sunghoon and Jay tousled his hair and pinched his cheeks. "Oi that's not fair!" Niki cried out, "They get three people and Sunghoon-hyung!" Jay just smirked, "Should of picked a better number, that's on you buddy". Jays comment prompted a scowl from the maknae but he soon forgot about their advantage after Heeseung abruptly pushed him onto the ice.

The groups all lined up on the ice, one of each group holding a baton with their teams corresponding colour. Since two of the teams were short of a third member it was decided the strongest of the theme would go twice. Jungwon just scoffed at this proposition, 'What if their equally weak though'. This was met with a playful smack to back of head from an offended Jake. "Ok ok that's enough messing! Can we please get started?" Jay pleaded. The rest of band all nodded in agreement, waiting for the staffs cue. With that they blew their whistle and Niki, Sunoo and Jake sped off. Well... shakily stumbled off. "SUNOO-AH! KEEP IT UP" Jay screamed clapping his hands as Sunoo shakily overtook Niki.

Sunoo just nodded hesitantly, worried any sudden movement would send him into a crumpled heap. Jake was far behind, trying his best not to fall and Niki had already wiped out twice. Sunghoon covered his eyes nervously, trying his best not to worry about the other members. Luckily there weren't any terrible tumbles and Sunoo managed to pass the baton to Jay a split second before the other two putting his team in the lead. Jay glided off as Sunoo gripped onto Sunghoon's waist to stop himself from colliding with the ground. Sunghoon let him hold on for a second before puling him around to his front by the hand. "Good job Sunoo-ah, I'd say we have this in the bag now". Sunoo beamed at the praise squeezing his hyungs hand with appreciation.

The other members had almost completed their loop and so Sunghoon stood, holding his hand out expectantly. As soon as he gripped the cool metal baton he sped off, leaving deep tracks in the ice. He managed to complete the loop in about a tenth of the others times securing the first win for his team. The other teams probably would have complained had they not been so distracted by the limbo set up.

"Do we bend backwards?" Jake asked with wide eyes, "Surely not". "No just duck" the director explained. Just as before the boys lined up awaiting their go. Heeseung went first and his helmet just grazed the pole. The teams spent the next 5 minutes disputing whether that counted or not until they finally decided that you only lose if the pole falls off. Everyone else managed to pass under without knocking the pole out of place and so it was lowered slightly. The next round both Jake, Jay and Heeseung knocked it off and the following round Niki. It was now between the 3 dongsaengs.

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