Sunoo tension pneumothorax

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Sunoo simply wasn't weak. The fact that he had managed to achieve such a level of skill despite having been hindered by his condition was a testament to his strength. It had come as a shock to the contestants of iland when it was revealed Sunoo had been struggling from a thoracic condition as it hadn't been evident in the outgoing and hardworking boy they'd grown to love and appreciate.

That time during iland Sunoo had been in the honeymoon period of his recovery. He's undergone surgery and been the strongest he'd been in his entire life. He'd been so used to living a limited life full of pain to the point his body was flourishing in the absence of it. Sunoo knew this lack of pain wouldn't last forever... it couldn't last.

The doctor had explained to him this surgery would improve his quality of life but it wouldn't provide a cure. Sunoo was basically living in denial. Surely this newfound sense of life would last forever? Wrong. Having lived in denial for so long the relapse hit him like a brick.

The boys had been training for their new comeback and it was safe to say no one was enjoying the strenuous practices. It had been so long since any mention of Sunoo's condition and so it had become a distant afterthought for the other members, all dealing with their own aches and pains.

"Come on wake up guys," Jungwon sighed as he turned on the light causing his 3 roommates to groan in response. "I'm so tired" Niki said huskily as he jumped to his feet. Sunghoon and Sunoo nodded in agreement, rubbing their sleepy eyes. "We're almost there" Sunoo smiled through false optimism, "Just one more week!"

Sunoo tried his best to conceal his flinch when his abrupt movement to stance left his chest twinging uncomfortably. The pain had come as a shock and instantly brought back memories of his pain filled childhood. The pain was so excruciating that it knocked the wind out of him. Sunoo tried his best to conceal his heaving but his roommates soon noticed his pained expression.

"You ok hyung?" Jungwon asked in a trivial manner, trying his best to conceal his worry at the thought a member might have to miss practice. "I'm good, thanks for asking Jungwonie, and you?" Sunoo replied trying a little too hard to distract. "No Sunoo" Sunghoon sighed "He means are you physically ok, you look hurt". "Oh sorry.." Sunoo flushed "Yeah i'm all good, just a little headache.. that's all".

The boys were more than happy to accept the half assed excuse rather than tease out the problem much to Sunoo's relief. Keeping a better control over his expressions, Sunoo got dressed and trailed out of dorms to meet the rest of the group. Hesitantly the boys scuttled out through the front door and into their van. Each boy took their respective seat and pulled on their seatbelt equally dreading the lesson that awaited them.

Sunoo kept to himself the whole drive, to absorbed by the excruciating pain in his chest to engage in any conversation. His breathing was beginning to become more and more difficult with ever passing minute. "Sunoo are you sure you're ok?" Niki asked unconvinced my his hyung's previous excuses. The rest of the members had also fixed their gaze on Sunoo, there was no escape.

Rather than continuing to beat around the bush, Sunoo admitted that he was in pain. Of course the boy made light of it, minimising the severity. "My chest is a little sore to be honest so it's a little harder to breathe than normal" he finally revealed "I'll be ok though! I'll just take it easy during practice." Jungwon raised his eyebrows at this. "Hyung if your chest is bothering you, I'd rather you sit out! I think we all need to remember you have a condition that prevents you from pushing too hard".

Even though he knew Jungwon had no malicious intents the last comment stung a little. "No seriously Jungwonie, I promise it's not that bad" he reassured. Jay spoke next,"Do you have an inhaler or any type of precautionary measure?" "I didn't think you had asthma" Jake joined in. "No I don't" Sunoo agreed "I did used to have one but I haven't needed anything in so long... look guys you need to stop worrying... i'm fine!"

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