Jungwon Hazing

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"I couldn't feel anything, I was completely numb," Jungwon recalled as he stood before the court. The day in question had happened three years prior during his first week of college. It was tradition that all the boys joining Seoul preparatory school would undergo an initiation. An initiation that bordered on torture and abuse. Jungwon, despite having experienced memory loss following the incident, could recall every minute of that day in pristine clarity. He had been so excited for the first party of the term and the so called initiation he'd been warned about by his hyungs. I mean how bad could it be, they all got off scotch free and then went on to pull the reins of the initiation themselves. It was all just a bit of fun.

Jungwon had known better than to question the excessive amounts of booze and assortment of drugs that had been snuck into the dorms under the pretence of food packages from doting parents. Unable to live on site due to promotions, he just assumed it was meant to last the year, but even at that it was excessive. He knew going to the school as an idol would be hard. His hyungs had all gone prior to their debut well apart from Sunoo who had opted for a different school instead, warded off by his hyungs tales of their past school.

'Make sure you're careful tonight' Heeswung had warned, 'Don't do anything you don't want to do no matter what others say. I'd rather have a coward as a dongsaeng than a dead dongsaeng'. Heeseung's tone was light but in reality the eldest was scared. He remembered his own initiation and despite having been the same age as Jungwon at the time he couldn't help but want to protect the younger. "Here eat this" Jay had said, thrusting a cup of ramen at Jungwon, "we can't have you going on an empty stomach, you need all the strength you can get!"

Jungwon gleefully obliged, holding the hot cup carefully with both hands. "What did they make you guys do hyungs?" he asked. Both Jay and Heeseung exchanged glances debating on whether they should tell the younger. Finally Heeseung broke the silence. "Well I had to drink a bottle of vodka and then walk around the ledge that wraps around the dormitory." Jungwon's jaw went slack with shock.

"You mean the crumbling ledge that basically disintegrates when a bird so much as brushes off of it?"

"Yep, that's the one", Heesung replied with a sigh. "Well I also had to drink a bottle of vodka and then they held me under the water in the fountain for 3 minutes" jay added mindlessly, his eyes going blank with fear on recalling the horrid experience.

"Oh god" Jungwon murmured "I should have gone to Sunoo's school... Would you say they'll do worse to me?" "I hope not, and even if they do remember you can say no. Give us a call if you're uncomfortable." Jungwon just nodded knowing full well he could never live down the embarrassment if he called his hyungs. Still he'd lied through his teeth and thanked his hyungs.

Jake and Sunghoon had also given him a faceful of warnings, both equally worried about the younger. Jungwon's excitement for the evening had soon turned sour and he wanted nothing more for the day to be over. When he really thought about it Jungon saw the night for what it truly was. It was not a night of tradition and brotherhood, more so an excuse for the upperclassmen to let out their deepest and darkest urges on the poor freshmen. But who was he to argue with tradition, a word so loose yet so tightly bound around so many aspects of the world.

He'd gotten dressed in his least favourite shirt and jeans, fully aware he'd more than likely return home with neither of them. He took one last look in the mirror, trying to pep himself up in the mirror. He could make it through this. It was only one night.

"Are you ready Jungwon?"Heeseung had called up the stairs as he swung his  car keys around his fingers rhythmically, "Sunoo says he's going to come and keep you company". Jungwon didn't know how well Sunoo coming would be received by his classmates but he wasn't going to object. Secretly he was glad he would have his hyungs company. Jungwon raced down the stairs going two at a time. "I'm ready".

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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