Sunoo refeeding syndrome

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Sunoo brushed his red bangs from his clammy forehead, refusing to slow his pace. He watched as the digits on the treadmill gradually increased with the distance he was covering. Every part of Sunoo's body was screaming for him to stop, his body rendered helpless by the rising levels of lactic acid constricting it. "Just one more mile' Sunoo told himself, ignoring the sour metallic taste that was polluting his mouth. Sunoo was about to increase the incline when the appearance of a familiar face distracted him. Sunoo really tried to greet Soobin but his efforts were failing, too out of breath to get a full sentence out. It sounded something like 'Soo - wheeze - bin hyung *wheezing* how are you?'

"I'm good, how about you? You really don't look great.' Sunoo just shook his head and waved his hand, brushing away his hyung's concerns. Soobin just smiled back, still unconvinced. He didn't dwell on it though because just a moment later Sunghoon walked in. "You ready?' he asked Soobin. The two had been working out together for the past few weeks. Soobin nodded with a smile, 'Yep!' The two walked over to the weights section of  the gym leaving Sunoo in peace.

Another mile had passed since starting the conversation with Soobin but Sunoo decided he wasn't going to stop. The idea of his hyungs working out more than him worried him, he didn't want them to think he was weak. Sunoo could already hear them murmuring about him in the corner, probably critiquing his form or pitying him. In reality the two were trying to think of ways to get Sunoo to talk a break. "He's been like this for weeks" Sunghoon explained to Soobin, "He works out until his body gives in. He's been losing so much weight, even though Jay has been trying to keep him well fed... Somethings going on." Soobin's eyebrows raised with concern before adding to the list of concerns,

"Yeonjun-hyung walked in on him, passed out in one of the practice rooms the other day. He got the fright of his life apparently and was shaking him trying to wake him up". Now it was Sunghoon's turn to raise his eyebrows. "Yeonjun was about to call an ambulance when Sunoo woke up and told him it was just low blood pressure or something. Now that I'm thinking about it, Yeonjun mentioned that he insisted on calling you guys but Sunoo said he would tell you himself and that you guys already knew?"

"He never mentioned anything," Sunghoon said, his cheeks flushed with anger, "That's it, I'm putting an end to this". Sunghoon stormed across the room calling Sunoo as he did. "Sunoo-yah get off the treadmill please". Sunoo continued to ignore his hyung and the growing pain in his head. "Don't make me pull you off!" Soobin added half jokingly. "Ah hyung, just one more mile" Sunoo pleaded, "I'm almost at 10 miles." Sunghoon just shook his head before pulling the safety lead on the treadmill forcing it to come to a stop. Sunoo stumbled trying to adjust to the slowing pace. Before he could even register what was happening two pairs of hands were pulling him off. Sunoo's legs were struggling to adjust to the sudden stillness and his knees bent in awkwardly. His line of sight suddenly became contaminated with dark splotches, his ears ringing from the intensity of his workout.

"Stop, Stop" Sunoo groaned, trying to resist from his hyungs' tight hold, "I think I'm gonna be sick." Sunoo crouched down as his stomach churned. Within seconds his hyungs were crouched on either side of him. Soobin was now carding his fingers through Sunoo's sweaty hair while Sunghoon rubbed his back gently. "You're pushing yourself too hard Sunoo-ah" Sunghoon sighed while Sunoo continued to gag unproductively. His stomach was completely empty of anything. The forceful gags were making his head hurt more and he was growing dizzier by the minute.

Soobin and Sunghoon were starting to get really worried from the way Sunoo was swaying aimlessly. Luckily when he finally passed out they both had their hands in him and so lowered him to the ground gently. Trying to mask his panic for the sake of his dongsaeng, Soobin rolled Sunoo over on his side. "Sunghoon go get some cold water and ice from the machine" Soobin directed, pointing over at the ice machine in the corner of the room. Once Sungoon returned with the ice. Soobin wrapped some ice in a towel before soaking it in water. Sungoon brushed back Sunoo's damp fringe as Soobin placed the towel on his forehead.

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